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Everyone sat around lazing on the couch waiting for Jonathan to get out of his 'stupid little computer room' as Kayla called it.

"This guy seems dangerous" Lauren frowned as she laid her head on Luke's chest.

"That's a good thing for the situation we are in" Ella said as she got up to grab a water from the fridge.

"You guys really gossiping huh!?" Jonathan smirked as he plonked down next to Kayla. Jonathan attempted to put an arm around Kayla.

"Nice try" Kayla smirked pushing his arm off her.

"So you have a plan?" Cara questioned.

"The guys that are after us are military trained men, they're trained to kill not capture people and bring them in" Jonathan frowned.

"So your saying the Army are working with other people to capture us?" Daniel questioned.

"Exactly. The people who somehow captured us know everything there is to know about us" Jonathan huffed.

"How did they know I'd be at the ATM?" Daniel growled.

"They must've had a tracker on you" Jonathan said as Daniel frowned.

"They still could have a tracker on him" Simon panicked.

"They wouldn't be able to track us anyway, any technology in this room can't be tracked" Jonathan assured.

"Are you some sort of Spy?" Kayla said glancing around at the sparkling clean apartment.

"Something like that" Jonathan smirked looking down at Kayla.

"Huh"Kayla said as she stood up and walked towards the big window.

"Kayla they can see you!" Lauren warned.

"Should I flash them? Or just smile and wave?" Kayla questioned.

"You could just turn around and flash, you know just to tease them?" Jonathan suggested.

"Your not going to give up are you?" Kayla snorted.

"Guys stop flirting! We need a plan" Ella snapped.

"Hey! We're not flirting!" Kayla pouted.

"Look..." Jonathan began.

"We're gonna lay low for today and just give ourselves a break" Cara butted in reading Jonathan's mind.

"Can you please not do that..." Jonathan began once again.

"It's creepy" Cara finished off smirking.  Kayla giggled at Jonathan's frustrated face.

"What number am I thinking of?" Kayla questioned like a kid.

"17" Cara mumbled not really impressed by Kayla.

"Oh my god! That's sick" Kayla whispered in amazement.

"What exactly do they want with us?" Lauren questioned.

"They want to run tests on us. See how we got these so called 'special powers' eventually when they figured out they would put a chip in us. Make us follow their every command" Jonathan explained.

"What would happen if we didn't follow orders?" Luke questioned.

"Our heads would be blown off" Jonathan said causally.

"How do you know all of this?" Lauren frowned.

"Let's just say it's hurts like hell taking the chip out" Jonathan frowned rubbing the scar behind his ear.

Kayla spotted this and sat on her knees and leaned over to Jonathan and traced over the scar.

"How'd did you not die? You don't seem like the type of guy to follow orders" Kayla questioned her eyebrows knitting together.

"I was in the army, until my behaviour got me kicked out. I've followed orders before I'm not that rebellious" Jonathan chuckled.

"He has humour" Simon grinned. Jonathan shot Simon a look which seemed to shut Simon up.

"I'm bored" Kayla whined.

"We're limited to activities around here so I suggest you entertain yourself" Like grumbled.

"I'm bored" Kayla repeated.

"Yeah I know we heard you" Lauren growled.

"If you guys were still free, what would you be doing right now?" Kayla questioned.

"At home watching Netflix" Simon chuckled.

"I'd be at work in the bar till 6" Ella sighed.

"I'd be asleep" Daniel chuckled.

"Same Daniel" Cara chuckled.

"I'd be in the country side feeding the horses" Lauren frowned.

"I'd be at the gym" Luke smirked flexing his arms.

"Calm down Lauren Jesus" Kayla smirked seeing Lauren's eyes light up. This cause they gang to chuckle.

"I'd be hanging out with some friends in a bar getting drunk" Jonathan said putting his hands behind his head.

"What about you Kayla?" Cara questioned.

"Well in all honesty, I'm meant to be playing catch across roof tops with the cops" Kayla giggled.

"Your a criminal?" Luke questioned.

"Not as Kayla of course, well apart from the one little incident we won't talk about. But I'm known as dartys" Kayla shrugged.

"I've heard of you" Jonathan chuckled.

"Good for you" Kayla smirked.

"What about you Jonathan?" Simon questioned.

"Oh so you think I'm a criminal?" Jonathan smirked and Simon gulped.

"Dude chill" Jonathan laughed.

"I'm known as Delirious" Jonathan added.

"Great! We're working with a BBS gang member!" Kayla said sarcastically.

"She knows her gangs" Jonathan chuckled.

"Are your friends like us too?" Like questioned.

"No, they're just your normal gang people" Jonathan shrugged.

"Will they not be wondering where you are" Ella questioned.

"Nah, they know by now that I'm known for disappearing and reappearing" Jonathan said as he switched on the TV.

The gang spent the night eating take away and watching horror movies. Cara would jump and hold on Daniels strong arm every two seconds. Lauren had her face in Luke's chest. Ella and Simon were glued to the Tv. Jonathan was spooning and sleeping Kayla. He smiled seeing he had the beast under control, but he knew he'd get a slap when she woke up in the morning.

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