home coming

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          I walked into school after being gone for so long, it felt weird coming back after being on the run for so long. My stomach rumbled and I figured I should've grabbed some breakfast. I walked to the caf and ran into my old group of friends. They all hugged me and asked where I'd been. They told me about how they had seen my face on the news. Figures they ask about this first right? So as I started telling them a lie about just hiding in a friends house, I suddenly noticed a guy in with the group. I'd seen him before, but only passing in the halls. My school went from grades 7-12, it wasn't odd to see someone you didn't know. " Hey, who are you?" I asked, quite rudely now that I think about it. " John" he replied, he had an accent, but I wasn't sure where from. "Where are you from, John? Not from around here I'm guessing, are you and exchange student?" "Sweden actually, and I moved here 3 years ago." He continued explaining his being in Canada, but I got side-tract. He had long orange hair and a bit of a beard. He was very fit, and had a football player look to him. "Well, john from Sweden, you should be honored considering your facing The infamous heaven lee, and trust me i'm anything but what my name may state." "well i guess we'll have to see this for ourselves shall we?" game on. we agreed to meet after school and then the bell rang. couldn't pay attention through the whole first half of school, i just couldn't get him out of my head. the challenge he accidentally gave me just made me want to prove how crazy i really am. so at lunch, knowing full on this wasn't allowed, lit up a smoke in front of the school. the principle was so done with my shit i dont even think he cared at the point. i was beginning to wallow in my day dreams of being home when he showed up, "wow, rebel without a cause ey?" he said. "more like a druggy with an addiction" i snapped at him. "whoa someone has a temper." "i'm sorry, i'm just homesick" but don't you live here?" he asked curiously. " i may live here, but not in a home, i stay at the group home down the road. i'm from the other end of the province actually." "ah.. i feel you there. i'm not exactly pleased about being moved across the world either." "yeah i guess not huh?..." and right then the bell rang again. "well see you after another three hours of this nut house." i ended up taking a na in a bathroom stall instead of going to class. yeah, fuck you MR laundry. i didn't see john but he knew my address so i figured i was fine. when i got home the staff were smuthering me again. "how was school? are you hungry? you should eat more. do you have homework? are you okay?" i eventually just told them all to fuck off and went and mopped in my room. pierce the veil felt the right way to go. at school, i was this big tough guy but at home i could be myself. i locked my door and got changed into some sweats and my suck my deck sweather. i curled up in my bed and my cat rupert snuggled up beside me. i stroked his soft fur while i read my book. i was reading heaven by V.C andrews. it was the book i was named after. the story consisted of a brave girl named heaven whos abusive father sold her. i liked to pretend i was strong and brave like her but i honestly wasnt. supertime came and went and john was still a no show. then around 8 while i was on the couch watching netflix, a staff came out and told me someone was asking for me. i was confused because id totaly given up hope at this point and then there he was. before my eyes was this strange guy with a smirk on his face. "didnt think id show did you." i rushed to tell him i hadent but he held his hand up and cut me off"dont lie you obviously didnt think i was going to show, your in your pjs and have choclate on your face. but this is my fault. i apoligize for scarng you. "you didnt scare me who the hell do you think you are????" and who wouldve thought that a little cockiness to chalenge my own would draw me in so much. i ran downstairs and got changed and then walked back to the door. "where to asshole?" i asked cheerfuly. :the store, i need smokes." i almost died laughing at this point. i honstly thought he didnt smoke. he seemed like a good boy with an additude roblem. i was now very interested and wanted to figure him out. "sounds good to me i havent had a dart in a minute." "what do you mean in a minute? you ran out at lunch did you not?" " i forgot that normal people didnt talk like ghetto group home trash and so i explained that in a minute actually meant in a long time.it was quite for the rest of the walk, wich wasnt very long, i mean the store was around the corner from me. when we got there he ran in and got a pack of canadian classics. my favourite, but when i put my hand out for one he slapped it away. "none for minors hunny, sorry" that issed me all off, i threw my arms up and gasped. "what do you mean none for minors. im litterally almost 15." " and im almost 19 and it would be irrasponsoble for me to give one to you, but maybe if you take one from me.....well i couldnt do anything about that." that stupid smirk was on his face and i just wanted to smack it right off. i walked over to where he had sat down and sat right on him. when he looked up at me he out his smokes down. but not close enough for me to grab. so i leaned over and kissed him. his fingers went straight to my hair and mine went right to his smokes. as soon as i got my hand arund them i pulled back and jumped up. "i win" i yelled taking one out of the pack. "seduction dosnt count" he complained. looking quite flustered from that little kiss. "why because im a minor Mr adult? age doesnt matter when it comes to kissing." i smirked and threw the pack back to him and walked away. he followed me back to my house and we sat in the gazebo. i put on some tunes and we just sat there and talked for ages. when i finally had to go in i looked at him and said "i had a good time considering it was with a boring old adult." "maybe next time i can show you how boring im not. "thats sounds amazing". he leaned in and kissed me one more time before walking down the driveway and leaving. i was left wonder how the hell this was all gonna work.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2017 ⏰

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