Monday 14
Yes that's me screaming
Why you askI just hate high school soo much why you ask or I ask because of Mackenzie Hollister and her CCP's
( Cute,Cool, & Popular)I'm just so sick and tierd of this ahh
Today was the first day or high school
Yay high school yay got to see my crush Brandon Roberts ya I still have a crush on him and don't forget my friends Zoe and Chole the biggest dorks in school might as well the world.Another thing that sucks is that Brianna's school is right across the street from the high school like how stupid is that. Ok so last year was ummm yea that's a new story that I'll talk about later not now though. Now things are just worse in high school not only was my locker last year next to Mackenzie it's again next to her like how fun is that (not). Another thing is Brandon's locker is right next to Jessica's another CCP girl, and this year me and Brandon don't have classes together and now me and Mackenzie have all the classes together like having her next to my locker isn't boring anyways
Let's just say Mackenzie is still mad at me from last year. Today was just a bad day for me. When I arrived at class there was already a quiz ah it sucked and then 2nd hour lets just say that umm it had to do with boys but yea it sucked :( so so so bad.
In lunch time I went to go find a table and it was the same like Westchester County Day middle school every group had there table and there is more kids there it sucked of course I couldn't find a table and Zoe and Chole where signing up at the library to stack books and such and I we'll but it doesn't end intell next week. So where were we ohh ya and I was alone in the back (where the trash cans where) and I was there eating there how fun :') <fake smile ok and then rest of the day was just boring.
What sucked more is when my dad picked me up in the van ahh why can't my dad get a clue and to get a real job that doesn't have that kind of van. Everyone was laughing at me but even though I walked 1 block next to the gas station to get in the car and also I ran and people stilled laugh at me. Hope Tommorow is a better day hope :/
Tuesday 15
Ok ok ok let's just say I wanna die right now. Why you may not ask but I want you to ask.
So my crush Brandon asked me out like ok why you wanna die so here is the story. I was just in my locker then Brandon came and said he needs to talk to me personal so I said"ok" so after 1st hour we saw each other and he talk to me and told me "we'll nikki how do I say this but now where in high school and to be honest I love you ever since eight grade when u arrive I was happy and I fell in love I was shy to tell you so" then Brandon toke out a box of chocolates and said"nikki wanna go out" I freaked out I was doing a happy snoppy dance yes yes I know your asking then why you wanna die. Ok so then came 7th hour when It was time to go home I went to Brandon's locker to tell him I was going but when I headed that way I found Brandon and Mackenzie kissing :( it's made me so mad I screams at the top of my lungs at Brandon then I headed home crying :( Brandon tryed to stop me but I didn't let him stop me when I knew he was close I yelled at him "why did you have to be a jerk when I trusted you since 8th grade" he tried to say something but I was away. "Sometimes I wish I had pixie dust to just fly away from my problems" suchs Brandon :(Wednesday 16
Lets just say it's 1st hour and it already horrible. I saw Brandon today I just ignored him but he tried to talk to me but I didn't even listen I just walked away. When I was at my locker getting my books Mackenzie came up to me shoved me in my locker and no one even came that's where I am right now I use my flash from my phone to help me write :( ahh high school sucks so bad I wanna just go home or be home schooled right now. I might as we'll scream intell someone can here me or I'll be stuck in here all day. This is just stupid so stupid. I'll be right back I gotta scream intell someone can here me.
Dork diaries high school year
RandomThis is just the begin and I was bored so ya don't judge ok like life isn't hard enough so ya more to come :D