She was the gentle soul that had no friends.
She was different but was never aknowledged.
She was screaming, but no one heard her.
What drove her to that point?
How could she take her own life?
What if she... didn't?
•If you are sensitive to sui...
A cemetery came into view. My family and friends were all gathered around a coffin with my corpse in it. They were sobbing. I could tell that they truly would miss me.
A lot of people were there. May invited pretty much the whole school. Miss Reagan read one of my poems. My dad came. He was holding my mom. It looked like he regretted leaving, now, and that he was there to stay.
I just couldn't find Adrian. I thought he would've been the one person who wouldn't miss my funeral for the world.
After the service, I saw May talking to Miss Reagan.
"I wish Adrian was here. He would've been grateful to say goodbye." Miss Reagan said, wiping away tears.
"At least he did the right thing; for Lyra. He told the truth- he went to jail- for Lyra. He really loved her." May said.
I felt the flutter in my stomach again. The world faded into darkness and I was asleep...
I was in peace.
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