Stylo 4

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"Do you see this, Stylo? Nothing but nature for miles. Really brings back the memories, eh?" Said Miranda as she trotted in front of me on the long nature trail.
"Those were the days," I said.
She stopped on the trail and waited for me to catch up. The group of clowns behind us were all scattered looking for the remedies that Bow wanted. Nothing out of the usual just, Sage, Wheatgrass, and a few dead mice. The plants are always the easiest ones to find, it's just the animals that we usually have trouble with.
"Got some sage!" Yelled one clown from the back.
"More over here!" Said another. 

Miranda turned around to face the group, "hoe are we on mice?" No one spoke. She turned back around to face me, "looks like it's gonna be a long trip. We're already so far out from the circus."
"Could be worse," I said. "Remember when he wanted a dead polar bear in China?" I started to chuckle as did she.
"We walked for a week to find it. I've never seen the Devil so pissed off let alone the Carneys."

"MOUSE!" Shouted one clown from the top of his lungs. Miranda and I turned back around to face the group when all we could see was heard of clowns trying to chase this one little animal down. Everyone was fighting and pushing all to get to the front.

"Don't squish it! We just need it dead," said Miranda.
After about five minutes of fighting, one clown stood up with the limp furry body in his hand, "I got it," he said.
"Nice work, Ben," said Miranda. She took a step forward and took the dead mouse out of his hands. She held it in hers almost as if it was still living. She cuffed her has,  but the small creature just layed there motionless.
"We've even walking for hours, one should be enough, right?" She asked.
I nodded my head.
"If this all works out well, we'll have a good night coming up!" I yelled. 
Every clown started to cheer, until we heard a loud bang. Once that bang hit, everyone kept their mouth shut, until we heard something fall.
"What was that?" Said Miranda.
"Sounds like a gunshot," said a clown.
"Well what fell?" Said another.
We all took small steps, until someone screamed.
"Bain is dead!"
I pushed everyone away, and moved into the middle of the group.
"This hunt here is over! Don't look back just run back to the circus!"
A few more shots hit, and three more clowns fell to the ground dripping blood.
"Run!" I shouted again. It took a second, but all the clowns started to run back to threw the same direction as they came. As they ran, more shots were fired, and more clowns fell. Miranda quickly ran up to me, "What's going on?" She said.
I grabbed her arm, and gave it a tug.
"I'm not sure, but we need to move." We were the last ones to leave the area. We had to jump, and run around the bodies of clowns that have already fallen. I didn't let my grip go from Miranda. We could no longer see any clowns running in front of us, but she soon started to scream. I turned around to see what she saw. A large, heavy set man with string like hair and dirty overalls was following us with a gun. His face seemed off, almost as if he was not right in the head. I tried to run faster, but was stopped when I ran into a hard object. Miranda and I fell to the ground. When I looked up, I ran into another man that looked fairly similar to the man chasing us. We both stood up, and placed out backs close towards each other's in a defence way. Two more men came out of the bushes, and circled us.
"Buppa don't like folk in woods," said one of the men. His voice sounded full, almost as if he had something in his mouth.
"What Buppa gonna do?" Said another man.
"Pappa likes girls," said another man.
"Bring her back? Kill the boy?"
The rest of the men nodded. The one facing close to Miranda put his gun down to the group, then placed his oversized, brute like hands on her shoulders.
"Don't you dare touch her," I said. I tried to grab her hand, but the man forced her away from me. He was obviously too strong to handle.
"Stylo! Help!" She cried.
The man holding her wrapped his one thick arm around her to keep her in place, then began to stroke her hair.
"Don't cry. He's a bad man," said the man.
The men then made a triangle form around me, and placed their guns up close to my head. I closed my eyes, and with the softest voice I whispered, "I never left the war, the war just followed me home." I grabbed the barrel of the closest gun I saw, and quickly ducked as I did so. It made the other man shoot his friend in the gut and fall to the floor in pain. I kicked the man who's gun I took in the stomach until it forced him to let go. I swung tge gun over to the man who shot his friend, and pulled the trigger once the barrel reached his face. I then did the same thing to the man who's gun I took before he could say whatever the hell he was trying to mouth.
The man on the ground was still crying in pain. I tossed the shotgun I had to the side, and picked up the one that still had one bullet in it. With a quick move, I stepped on the man's stomach, and forced the gun in his mouth. "Kill my men," I said as I shot it. "I'll send you to hell." I tossed that gun away, then went to reach for the gun he had.
"Don't move!" Said the other man that was holding Miranda. He was holding his gun in the stereotypical hunting position. There were tears in his eyes, and he began to speak. "You killed my brothers! You are a bad man. A bad bad bad man."
Miranda ran up to me and placed her arms around my neck.
"I'm going to kill you both!" He shouted once again.
I placed my arms around Miranda as well, then whispered in her ear.
"Get behind me, I'm going to distract him, but the second I touch his gun, I want you to run. No matter what happens, don't get involved. I'll be fine." I swung Miranda around, then began to walk forward, "Of all the men I have ever met, you seem to be the weakest."

From behind me I can hear Miranda trying to make me stop. "Stylo!" She said in an irritated voice."

I ended up ignoring her. "You just finished killing half of my section, but can't even keep it together when one of your inbreaded brothers die. You know I work at a circus filled with carenys, clowns, Devils and freaks, but maybe someone like you is too over the top to even fit in at a place where we embrace our differences."

Miranda walked up beside me, and tried to grab my arm to take me away. I still ignored her as if she was not even real. The man on the other side of the gun was now shaking, but I could still see the anger in his eyes.
"Maybe," I said as I picked up the barrel of his gun. "You can just save me, from knowing, that real monsters, still live out here, alone." I placed the gun in my mouth, then closed my eyes. I started to hear a shuffle from beside me. Miranda had run off, it was only a matter of time before this man pulled the trigger, giving her enough time to escape.

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