I hate homework

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Yes, I hate that fact that im given work to do at home, when I could be safely watching YouTube at home having no plans and doing nothing for days. But no.

I say safely because I procrastinate like a crazy person, to the point were there's no point at all. I know that im ment to be learning stuff and that blah, blah, blah in our own time to blah, blah to learn how to learn by ourselves, bllllaaaaahhhhhhh.

Well guess what, if we wanted to we would! Wow mind blown right out of the universe, never to be found again.

By the way if you're wondering if I'm ment to be doing homework right now then, yeah, you're probably right. I have a project due in a few day I don't know the exact date and probably something I don't even know about. ( That happens a lot. )

I honestly think that homework only teaches us how to procrastinate and forget about things quicker and easier. I say both because no-body gives a damn about it.

Worst of all if its the day to hand it in, and you didn't do it, forgotten about it or something and that one person just happens to bring up the homework. It drives me freaking CRAZY!Now you just know your screwed.

If you're some one who likes homework or more specifically the person who asks for the homework. Please remind me to walk away from you when you come down a corridor. Because honestly I don't want to be wasting my time on this rubbish definitely, if you're that guy!

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