I hate stereotypes

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As you can see from the title, I hate stereotypes.

I hate the fact that if i walk down the street people will instantly judge me on how i look. I'm not just talking about how stereotypes would just jude me by the way I look. ( if you don't know me you wont know that i look like and emo almost 24/7 until I just told you )

Stereotypes are also in the way that people work for example if I told you to think of an image of a nurse, what did you see.

A women? Well if you did .........


Honestly though stereotypes are everywhere im betting you've stereotyped before while walking down the street or down a corridor in a public place.

Ok you can stereotype if someone is walking down the road with a bloody knife or gun or some thing and it actually means your in danger.

Just remember no matter how some one looks like. They are another person and they matter so don't treat them like rubbish because of how they look or what job they have, get to know them first.

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