Chapter 4: Academy

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awwwwww, there isnt 6 votes on my other story so I wont update :(

so anyway on with the story!!!

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I am changing the time of when Caitlin, Jessica, and Alice go into the Naruto world. They appear when they are still in the academy. KAY


Caitlin's Pov

You guys better have read the author's note, or else you'll be as confused as hell. ^__^


I awoke to the cold hard floor. "AHHHHH!" I shreaked like a little girl.

I could hear laughter and saw Jessica and Alice laughing until they pee'd.

"You guys are so mean!!!!!!!!" I whined kicking them. Then I looked around,"What time is it?"

"7:30." Jessica said.

"WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!!!" I screamed at them. I then noticed that they looked fully ready to go to the academy.

Alice wore dark blue sweats ( like hinata's) and a gray tank top with red lettering. It spelled,"hi."

Jessica wore a blue tshirt and a black skirt.

"No you are." They said grinning.

Then they ran off while I yelled at them for being such turds.

"Those two..." I said shaking my head.

I looked through my closet for what to wear.


I got a black top, that exposed both shoulders, and was ripped at the bottom, showing part of my tummy. Underneath that I wore a red and black striped tank top. I also wore red plaid short shorts, black ripped tights, red boots that went up to my calf, and fingerless black gloves. I put on some black, white crystal studded bracelets, and a black head band to keep my newly found cat ears down. Lastly, I had one large cross earing on my right ear, and put up my bright pink hair into two long pigtails.

(Alice, Jessica, I know I described me a lot, but you didn't really tell me what you wanted to wear so...)

I know I was over dressed, but I now was 50 pounds lighter, way prettier, and had pinker hair than before. SO I MUST TAKE ADVANTAGE!!!!!

I ran to the academy and looked hesitantly through the door. Iruka was busy yelling at Naruto who was pouting.

Maybe I could slip in without anybody noticing.....

I quietly opened the door, no one looked my way. Yes! Good so far.

Then Jessica saw me and grinned wickedly.

I motioned for her to be quiet, but she yelled out,"OH HAI CAITLIN!!!!!"

Everyone looked my way,"DAMMIT JESSICA, I WAS TRYING NOT TO ATTRACT ATTENTION!!!!" I screamed.

Iruka looked at me,"Oh you must be our other new student." He then turned to the rest of the class,"Attention, we have 3 new students."

Jessica and Alice walked up to me,"We wanted to wait for you to make our introductions."

I grinned at them then turned to the attention of the class.

"Yo. I'm Kay Caitlin." I said smiling. A few guys had hearts in their eyes. Shit, fan boys... NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

"Your Kaitorin-chan?" Iruka asked.

"No Caitlin, with an L. CaitLLLLLLin."

"Kaitorrrrrin." He asked again.

"No, CaitLIN."


I sighed,"Do you know what? I give up call me what you want to."

He thought for a minute before speaking again,"How about Rin? Rin is easier."

"Fine." I looked toward the class again and smiled,"Call me Rin!"

Alice then told the class,"Hey, I'm Lu Alice." She too, had fanboys. HAHAHAHHA

Iruka nodded,"Arice."

Alice sighed,"No, aLICE."

I smiled,"Just call her Aji."

Iruka nodded as Alice started to scream,"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I HATE THAT NICKNAME!!!!" She then started to punch me. 

I stuck my tongue out at her.

Last and definetly least, JK JK JK JK JK, Jessica said,"Uh, Hello, I'm Lenng Jessica." More guys had hearts in their eyes. Lol She has fanboys also!.

Then we all turned to Iruka waiting for him to try and pronounce her name.

"Jeshika? I'll call you Shika, thats easy."

Jessica twitched as Alice and I burst out laughing. Shika! Thats like Shikamaru LOL.

"We will start with the transformation jutsu!" Iruka announced,"Thanks to Naruto. Rin, Aji, Shika, you don't have too."

"Don't worry! We can!" I said smiling sweetly before going to the back of the line.


After Naruto did his sexy jutsu, Jessica went.

She did it normally, how boring.

Alice's turn! She turned into Minato! Jessica's face flushed and Iruka's eyes widened.

Alice smirked,"How was that?"

"That was fine, but next time just turn into me." Iruka said.


I did the hand sign and I turned into Obama/

Jessica and Alice burst out laughing.

I changed back and smiled at Iruka. 

He sighed,"Someone we know?"

I pouted before turning into Kakashi. I smiled at Iruka,"You know me, ne?"

He looked confused about how I knew a jounin, but passed me anyway.



After class we got mobed by fanboys.

Alice looked annoyed and Jessica looked uncomfortable.

Time to go bipolar!

I glared at them,"Baka-jang? Can't you see we are trying to get home?"

"Sorry!" They said.

I turned around cooly and walked away while saying,"Just don't let it happen again."

I could practically hear the hearts in their eyes. Dan, that didn't work.

When we got home I burst out laughing. "HAHAHHAAH YOU GUYS HAVE FANBOYS!!!!"

Alice playfully glared,"YOU DO TOO!"

I stuck out my tongue before heading to the kitchen.


"COOK SOME THEN!" Jessica yelled.

"URGH!!!!" I groaned as I started to make pasta. THATS RIGHT WE HAD THE INGREDIENTS!!!!!!

So that dinner we had awesome pasta.



there you go


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