chapter 9

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Kacys pov

I could hear beeping noise but I didn't know where I was, I couldn't see because I was in wire and other things.

But now I could see to my left ly mom ,to my right my best friend Liviee and the doctors talking amongst their self.

I couldn't form any words so my mom passed me water and motioned me to drink it.
I drank it and then I felt like talking.

I didn't know where to start but my least questions is where am I?

"Mom where am I? "

"Your at the hospital"

"What happend"
My mom looked at Liviee abf then me, and said" you've fainted"

And then realizing hit me, the police telling me that my stalker was my step father.

"Mom did I have a, step father"
She, looked up at me shocked wide eyed then burst into cries, she started crying and crying.

I tried, soothing her but I couldn't reach her, because she was,crying out loud ,instead of lol it was col.

"It's alright Jenn, I know it hurts, but you should tell your daughter the truth"

My mom started sobbing and then stopped crying.

"Kacy is time I tell you my life story, I don't know where to start but I will start,so your real father was my true love,when I was 15,we found each other and ...get to know each other after that, we fell in love, but I had a stalker before that just like you stalking me, everytime he stalked me I was wondering why as you did? But he only told me he was no one. After me and your father fell in love" she sighed and then continued"we started a life and had you, don't get me wrong your father was kind nice helpful, everything you could wish for from a man, but he started smoking and smoking day by day. At that time you were 2 and were under my care, after that you're father didn't come home for days sometimes, when you we're turning 3 he was there for your birthday, after that he wasn't mostly he will come once a week when you turned four"this time she wiped the tears that formed on her red baggy eyes and again she continued" he died for lung cancer, it was not just that it was because the drugs he used to take, no one knew who taught him the drugs, when he left half of me missed him and I don't know, and a part of me wanted him gone because he was causing trouble in town, real trouble. And neighbours always complain. After 3months I went up I've had enough so, I found this guy same age as me, ye started dating and I fell in love with him, I forgot about your father,after weeks we went out and you know, we lived together, but one day a newspaper came in the door, I read the newspaper and read it I scrolled and scrolled and there was a picture of you'd real father and your step father, it said your step father killed your father, and that he is a serial killer, I didn't believe it at first until I saw the news, the tv that he was a serial killer, he told me that it's ok they're not going to find him, and it's ok but I told him no because he was on drugs too, I divorced him, and when I did I took action and took care of you, I wished you could go to school and college but I was scared for your own safety,I was scared I was gonna lose you. After I left him, he promised me that when you turn 21 he will start stalking you but I told him he would never find you, but I was wrong because he could hack into phones and anything, he knows everything about you, even the first day, you were born,when everything ended I decided to go for a job and work and to be honest since the first day I gave birth to you, I could never abandoned, you because you were my only hope" she finished explaining and she got out of the room.

"Kac I know it's a lot to take in so I will leave you alone to think"

And I did want them to leave me alone, because I wanted to think about everything she told me, I couldn't believe my father died because of drugs, and he never got to see me in my 4th birthday I couldn't believe it my mom is been through all this and she had to hide away from me to know it.

I fell asleep but not before, I got a call from some one ,I left it be because I wasn't bothered on anything,I was exhausted I took a lot of information, but the docotr came I'm checked my blodd pressure and gave me a honey medicine and water.

I drank it and was glad that it made me feel better but I didn't like the taste of the medicine.
I was pondering 40 whole minutes.

Until a doctor knocked and came in to give me my medicine again but this time an injection, I only fainted and they are making it something big.

I was begging in my head that they would free me and say Im much better but they didnt because they only came in took my blood and went out.

But this time my mom came in and said " I can see you feel better now but I have someone who needs to ask you questions the cops, they wanna aks you questions and tell you somethjng important and you must answer the questions wisely and correctly, tell them the details from the beginning and they would help youm just tell them everything you can even if you don't know ,good luck"

"Let's begin"
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My mysterious stalker (writing challenge)#wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now