Chapter 2

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Kacys POV

" liv,ouchhhh, your hurting my hair brush my hair properly not like a boar who's killing his prey"
I stated, you guessed it right after I said yes , she pulled me to my bedroom and got my straightener, to straight my wavy hair.
This was not it because the dress she bought me was so so tight that it's the size of a 15 year old.
" kac stay still stop moving your hair then I can brush your nest wavy hair properly, because I don't know how it will feel with a straightener"
She said as she was brushing under my hair, it hurt really bad, yes with a straightener it will be worser then this brush.

She still was brushing in it, for God knows how long.
Then I can feel something hot on my hair and I guessed it, it was a straightener, finally she is straightening my hair.
She finished my hair by adding a hair shine spray.

Then she turned my chair around and said " make up time".
I could see from the opposite mirror that she was putting a foundation on my face, then eyeshadow, and other things I couldn't name.
For again I don't know how long I checked my face to my amazement it was a new version of me.
"Wow" that's the only word I said because I couldn't believe I looked different.

" now it's my turn kac, so go and wear your dress I put there for you because I need to prepare myself" she said excitedly, but I didn't miss that goofy child smile she gave me.

I went to my dress and looked at it, my stomach was on knots because I was scared something might happen to me since this dress exposes nearly all of my body parts.
I stared at it for 23 minutes deciding if I should wear it or not, then I was like to my head just wear it because Liv is going to kill me if I don't wear it.
" Kacy don't think about not wearing this dress, because i might force you like last week or either wear this damn dress, it's not just you because when you go to the club you will regret wearing this because-"
" fine I will wear it, wa, why do you have to be annoying and why are you my best friend?"
" one were friends because I love you, friends help each other actually best friends help each other they do not moan about the clothes they are wearing in parties because that's me helping you, over here"
" fine I swear Liv if it's so tights that's some of my body parts is showing I will wear a jacket on top"
"You are not kac now chop chop"

I went into the toilet and started wearing my bra and no luck her barged my worst annoying friend,
"You don't need a bra" she said and went out.
Well I was like I'm not listening to her, I swear she goes crazy about boys, she will never stop talking about them if she sees them in a party,
She sometimes also makes lies and says Boys admire her, I was like yeah yeah and blah blah, because you no what I'm not someone who's bothered with Boys, or either ask out boys, im just no fascinated and I'm straight not a lesbian nor asexual.

I wearied the dress and to my judgement,some of my body parts it's exposed, argh I hate it.

I went out of the toilet to spot Liviee sorting out my shoes, it better not be high heels.
" yes it is high heels I can't wait, 20 mins, a cab I called and yes you said that out loud, next time you should say it in your head"
I need to stop saying things in my head.
"I don't want to wear a high heels-" I whined

" yes you are Kac, I'm going there to get drunk get a man and I'm out you should get wasted to"
" no I will not, I'm leaving 11 because my mum is going to come at 12:00pm don't want her to think wrong about me, she said party and I'm going to a bar to party"
"Fine up to you, I will leave that up to you"
I wearied my high heels, as always her dress was worser than me,but I had to bit my lip to keep myself from saying something to her, she was wearing black tight worser than me dress, it was showing a lot and I mean a lot of her body parts.
It was not my business so I left it.

We went inside the cab payed 30dollars went inside the bar obviously
Before that we showed our ID s.

"Bye Kac have fun I'm gonna get drunk to get laid"
In a nanosecond she disappeared.
She left me alone so I went to sit in the bar alone.
" excuse me can I have one shot of vodka please" I asked the bartender, he nodded after a few minutes 1 shot of vodka was placed in front of me,I drank it to be entered with a burning sensation, my throat started to hurt, so I just left it.
But a curious cat I was I wanted another shot another went to 3 shot to 4 shots then my vision went hazy because in 3 seconds I was on the dance floor dancing up and down like a maniac, but to be honest I was so drunk that I didn't know a man in black suit was behind me.
I looked up but I couldn't see his face so I replied in my drunken state "wjaaaat do youuu wantttt? Hee heee"
He pulled my hand to the bar and gave me water, and I looked at it and he nodded a sign of me to drink it,I drank the water then I started to become sober.
A few minutes later passed and the old stranger asked" should I take you home?"
Should I say yes or no?

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Will she say yes or no ?
Who knows

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