Chapter 3

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Draco was practically skipping as he headed back to his common room from the library. He had discovered Granger's secret. Her parents were Dark wizards, and she was really a sluttly little French wizard. She only fought against the Dark Lord because her parents were on the other side. She only did it to rebel.

He cheerfully spoke the password to the blank wall in front of him before hopping merrily into the common room. A wide grin was spread across his face, something that was very unusual to be seen on any Malfoy's face.

Pansy looked up when she heard the door swing open and flashed Draco a flirtatious smile, but he barely acknowledged it. She frowned slightly. Usually, Draco would respond in turn and mess around a bit, but today he seemed almost...joyful. Something had definitely given him pleasure, and she felt a twinge of jealously as she imagined the girls he could have been with.

"Why so happy all of a sudden?" Blaise said lazily from near the fireplace. He had only recently taken the chair, which had been previously occupied by a first year.

"No reason," Draco said airily before sitting down with a bounce onto a black sofa. Away from Pansy. This time a frown really creased her face and a small pout came over her pug-like features.

"Who were you with?" she asked in a sulky voice, sending him a hurtful look.

"What are you on about Pansy?" Draco asked absently. He was sprawled out across the sofa, hands behind his head and legs crossed in a casual sort of way.

"You had to have been with someone. Who was it?"

Draco grinned widely and said, "I wasn't with anyone."

"Well, then where were you? And why are you so happy?" Pansy retorted. She could be extremely noisy when she wanted to be.

"If you must know," Draco said, his tone now becoming slightly irritated, "I was in the library doing a little research."

"What kind of research? What could you possibly need to look up?" Pansy complained. In reality, Pansy was whining about the limited amount of time she had spent with Draco today.

"It's none of your business," he snapped, sounding more like his usual self now. "Although, I expect you'll find out soon enough." An evil smirk spread across his pointed features as an idea suddenly popped into Draco's head. "I'll be back. I forgot something." The blonde Slytherin quickly stood and exited the common room, heading once more towards the library. Only, he hadn't forgotten anything. He was planning something far more devious.


Hermione sighed and fell backwards onto her bed. This secret was killing her. She hated to lie to her friends constantly, to hide who she really was. Maybe some miracle would happen and she would finally be able to tell them. That was unlikely, however. Her parents were dark all right. Very dark. Without them, many foreign wizards would not have joined Voldemort. Without them, Voldemort wouldn't have had many wizards on his side at all. The name Granger was very influential.

She jumped slighty when the door suddenly opened, but it revealled a blushing Ginny who was grinning like mad. Ginny giggled at Hermione, who immediately understood. She had been with Harry.

"Please tell me you kept it PG13?" Hermione sighed, looking at her giggling fried. Ginny never giggled, which was why this was so abnormal.

"What's TP13?" Ginny asked confused. Hermione let out another sigh and shook her head.

"Nevermind. Just ignore what I said. It's a Muggle thing."

"Oh, right." Ginny seemed to suddenly remember something, for her face dropped its gleeful expression. "So...erm...about earlier...What exactly did you mean?"

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