Chapter 2

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"Hermoine's lost it!" Ron exclaimed as he flung open the compartment door. He was too distracted by Hermione's earlier proclamation to even register that his little sister was practically sitting on top of his best friend. Harry's face was flushed red and he looked down at his feet, while Ginny was smiling slightly.

"What do you mean she's lost it?" Ginny asked. There were several different ways they described Hermione loosing it: studying excessively, punching Malfoy, hexing someone for no reason simply because they were there, and rebelling against the teachers.

"I mean she's gone completely and utterly insane. She said she wasn't a muggleborn!" This made both Harry and Ginny give Ron their full undivided attention.

"Are you sure? Maybe you heard her wrong," Ginny said uncertaintly, but one look at Ron's face showed he was deadly serious.

Harry glanced towards the compartment door as if expecting Hermione to be standing there. "Maybe we should go find her...see what's up."

"Nah, give her some time to blow off all her steam. Then we'll talk to her," Ginny said, waving her hand in a dismissive matter.


The train pulled into Hogsmeade station with Hermione still nowhere to be found. She was actually sitting in a carriage by herself. She locked the door with a clever spell to prevent anyone else from trying to get in with her.

Hermione sighed and rested her chin in her hand, staring out the window as Hogwarts castle drew nearer. Her anger had long since burnt out but Hermione wanted to be left alone to wallow in self pity. Why had her parents forbidden her from telling anyone of her blood status, or where she was from? Was it to protect her? Or to keep the family name? Hermione didn't understand, and she rarely didn't understand something.

The carriage jerked to a halt and Hermione slowly climbed out. She glanced around before trudging up to the castle, completely neglecting her duties as a Head Girl to check the other carriages for loitering students.

She sank down into a chair at the Gryffindor table, fiddling with her wand. Hermione didn't even look up when Harry, Ginny, and Ron all sat down around her, along with many other seventh years.

"Hey Hermione, are you all right?" Harry whispered, leaning forward so as to talk more directly to her.

"I'm fine," she said dully. "I just got a little stressed is all."

Ginny raised an eyebrow sceptically and opened her mouth to say something, but had to close it again once the doors opened. Professor Flitwick, who was now the deputy headmaster, walked through the doors followed by a crowd of first years.

 The Sorting Hat was already placed on the stool. A small smile crept on Hermione's face when she saw some of the terrified looks of the new Hogwarts first years. The tear in the hat suddenly opened wide and the hat began to sing.

"Oh one might not label me pretty
For I'm no Yule Ball hat, you see.
A dull brown face, a patched left side,
A rip on my brim, a stain on me thigh
Nothing attractive I must confide.

But never judge what you may find,
At first glance, at least,
For I've got more brains and wit
Than other hat you'll ever meet!

I live to sort, to sing this yearly song,
I'm no fool, I'll tell you where you belong!

Should you be in Gryffindor?
Where lie those brave at heat?

Should you be in Ravenclaw?
Where dwell the bright and smart?

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