Spilled blood and regrets

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Aaron's pov 

I push the female figure off the bed. "What's wrong with you!? Why can't you leave us alone!?" She just stares at me with a blank expression on her face. "I have a name ya know!" "That is irrelevant right now!!" She stands up and pauses. "I'm McKenna" "ok...McKenna..I'm going to ask you to leave on the count of 5" "okay!" She says sweetly "one..." "two".."th-ree"..."four"......."f-i-ve!!..." 

McKenna's pov

The black haired boy looks frightened...I wonder wh- HE DESERVES TO SUFFER! I slam him into the electric blue walls. It takes my pain away. It gives him pain. I choke him until he coughed up blood and regret. I whisper into his left ear. "Stay away from Spencer, do you understand me"? He nods his head. I let go of the now zombiedied looking boy. 

Aarons pov 

I cough until my lungs feel numb. I barley get up and get knocked back on to the familiar floor. "DONT YOU EVEN THINK OF TELLING SPENCER ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION OR WHAT I DID TO YOU!" I let out a light sigh "I understand" "good, and to make sure of that you are getting a special treatment" she carries me into the garage. "What are you doi-" "don't worry about it" she says in a loving and mother like tone. She pulls a rope out of her purse. She hangs part of the rope on an old ceiling fan in the ceiling of the garage. She hangs me on the rope forcfully. I hear the door unlock she quickly runs out the backdoor. Spencers going to be so upset!

Sk8er boi -SPAARONWhere stories live. Discover now