Chapter Three

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  • Dedicated to my bootyful readers

Jacob Latimore's pov

As me and the guys (mindless behavior ,and diggy) were sitting in the living room watching tv in this big ass house we heard something that sounded like keys at the front door so we hurried up cut the tv off and hid in the kitchen pantry

i told them to stay as quiet as they could because we could not risk getting caught especially by a fan a few minutes later a girl came into the kitchen now I will admit she was thick af and had cake for days but I couldn't say anything or all of us would be caught

now I know your probably saying why cant ya'll risk getting caught and why are yall even in this girl house well you will just have to keep reading to find out as i turn back to the girl she was in a handstand in front of her freezer before i could say anything i was *cutoff* by ray and roc

ray ray; Daammmnnn

roc; That ass thooo

me; really guys i sa *cutoff*

the girl; who the hell are you and why the fuck are you in my fucking house

Jasmine's pov

as i got down out of my handstand i started to hear people arguing in the pantry so i open the door and saw one guy yelling at five other guys i guess but i cut him off by yelling

me; who the hell are you and why the fuck are you in my fucking house i yelled at them

one guy; girl you got a potty mouth didn't your mother teach you manners (Jacob L)

another guy; yeah you need to learn respect and i can teach you a good lesson on how to give it if you no what i mean *wink* (roc)

me;Eww first of all its my mouth i can say anything i want my mother did teach me manners great ones actually i just don't show them to strangers i find hiding in my kitchen pantry and second you *pointing to roc* are a disgusting conceited motherfucker that needs to stop trying to flirt because its not going to happen anytime soon

another guy; dang girl you pretty and all but that mouth of your aint cant you just spread some peace (Princeton)

me; spread the peace that sounds like something Princeton would say wait a minute you are Princeton and you guys are mindless behavior Jacob Latimore and diggy

all of them; in the flesh

me; ok so now that i know who you are im jasmine and just one question

Princeton ; and that is

me; why the fuck are you guys in my house

roc; oh feisty i like that

ray ray; girl the way you talking to us im starting to think you don't like us

me; that's cause i don't

prodigy;what how can you not like us we're mindless behavior ,diggy,and Jacob Latimore

diggy;and we're in your house do you know how many girls would kill to be in the position your in

me; well im not like most girls Im not crazy over your music, looks ,and every little thing you do and mostly I have respect for myself unlike some of your fans walking around wearing them shorts that go half passed their butt cheek(R.I.P.Freddy E)

prodigy; hey they be trying to get our attention its not our fault we make the ladies go crazy and really so you dont know or like anything about us

me; i didnt say that

diggy; so you do like us

me; no but you guys have some pretty good music and when you have a bestfriend who is obssessed with you guys like mine you start to learn a few things here and there and they dont have to be sluts to get your attention

princeton; is she cute

me; who my bestie well duhh

princeton;well excuse me miss.fiesty

roc; just how i like them

me; dude get over yourself

ray ray; your not like any girl ive ever met your not afraid to speak your mind

me; yeah well get use to it anyway you guys still didnt answer my question

Jacob L; well its a long story

me; you have ten minutes

Jacob L; ok well this is what happend

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