Chapter Eight

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  • Dedicated to My bootyful readers

Jasmine's pov

so after everyone watched the video of me dance they just had a look of shock on their face so i had to snap them out of it *clears throat* hello earth to everybody 

Them; ouch *covering their ears*

Roc; what was that for 

well after ya'll watched that video ya'll just started staring at me not blinking and shit so i had to do something

Diggy; i went into a daze after i saw you dance

Bre; i was just amazed girl you got talent

lol thank you no one knows i can do these things except my bestie ceecee

Roc; well now that i know why don't you dance for me 

lmfao oh wait you when serious 

Roc; girl of course im serious

roc i wouldn't dance for you if we were the last people on the planet and me danceing for you was the only way to bring people back to earth

Roc; well that is harsh mean and no fun your not suppose to treat your man like this J.A.'s the truth 2.your not my man and 3. what does J.A. stand for

Roc; jasmine august

Jacob;dude you know her name is jasmine latimore

Bahja; since when was this 

Jacob; since i claimed her as my girlfriend

umm swerve Jacob im not your girlfriend

Roc; thank you baby

Chresanto im not your baby or your girlfriend either and finally my last name is not latimore,august,simmons,crippin or any of you guys last name my name is JASMINE ASHANTAE DIAZ ok is that clear do i need to say it in another language no ok then gosh boys these days

Nique; ok now that all of that is over with jasmine girl you got some talent and you need to show it but we will talk about that later now can you dance for us the girls not the guy 

ok fine only because you asked but what song should i dance to 

Bre; how about  nobody's business by rihanna ft chris brown

oooo girl that's my song haven't heard it in a while tho but any way here i go(video to the side)ok how did i do positive and negative responses

Everybody;that was amazing

are you guys forreal or are you foreal

Prince;lol we are forreal you have mad talent

aww thank you afro puff *ruffeling his hair*

Prince; watch the hair and you are so welcome short stuff *ruffeling her hair*

aye watch the hair *mocking pirnce*

Bahja; im so serious when i say this but you two would make such a good couple

Prod;i agree 

Roc;ayye no why ya'll trying to give prince my girl

Roc im not your girl


not ever but i do have a girl you would like both of you are concited and she's in love with you

Roc; but i want you

but i don't want you and she's hot hotter than me

Roc i don't think that's possiable

but it is very much so

Roc;ok i'll give her a try

thank the lord 

Prod; why you so happy 

because finally roc will leave me alone and i won't get killed

Ray; why would you get killed

because this girl loves roc and she would kill me if she found out roc was flirting with me so now im saved

Nique; wow you are something else

why thank you lol

Jacob; but jasmine you still didn't answer our qustions from last night

yes that was me singing on my phone 


and what

Jacob;who do you like out of all of us and be for real this time no playing 

fine Mr.demanding

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