FlutterDash - Feather Friends

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Fluttershy had gone to town to pick some things up for Angel. She noticed Twilight heading towards her and smiled.

"Hey, Twilight. How're you?" Twilight returned the gesture.

"I'm good. What're you doing out here?"

"Just picking up some things for Angel." Fluttershy looked more closely at Twilight, noting the glow on Twilight's horn. "Uh, Twilight? I don't mean to rude or anything, but are you holding something...?" Twilight froze. 

"Hmm? Oh, uh, yes, actually." Twilight floated something out from behind her back and stuck it in Fluttershy's hair right by her ear. "A certain blue pegasus wanted me to give it to you." Fluttershy blushed and grinned happily.

"It's lovely. Tell Dashie thank-you for me." Twilight smiled.

"No problem." Twilight turned back after waving to her friend. She walked toward Rarity, who stood in front of Rainbow Dash. Dash was blushing wildly from behind Rarity, probably trying to keep out of sight of Fluttershy. That plan failed. Fluttershy smiled as she watched Rarity and Twilight tease her about it, watching her grow angry and defensive. She then glanced up at the feather accessory tucked in her mane. Her heart fluttered as she stood there, thinking about the competitive pegasus, who also had softness in her heart.


Fluttershy was standing just outside her cottage, talking with some of the creatures that lived near her. She looked down the pathway to see a rainbow-maned pegasus walking towards her.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash!" She called. The pegasus stood up straight and walked the rest of the way to be face to face with Fluttershy.

"Hey, Fluttershy..." She looked behind her at her wings and scuffed her hoof on the ground.

"Rainbow Dash. Are you okay?" A deep red made it's way across Dash's face as she clenched her eyes shut.

"Yeah. I just, uh... wanted to..." Fluttershy waited for Dash to finish her sentence, which she didn't.

"Wanted to what?" Rainbow tensed, her face turning twice as red as it was before.

"I wanted...to... g-give you something." A part of Dash told her to hand it over and fly off, but she wanted to stay as long as possible -show that she was strong- and she knew that Fluttershy wouldn't let her down too hard. Fluttershy smiled.

"What is it?" Dash looked at Fluttershy, seeing the adorable little smile on her face. She took a deep breath and held out her wing. On it lay a couple of loose feathers tied together to create an accessory. Rainbow didn't keep her wing there. She brought it up to Fluttershy's head and placed the accessory in her hair right beside her ear. Her face was entirely red as she avoided looking in Fluttershy's direction. The silence made her nervous.

"Thank you so much, Dashie!" Fluttershy squealed. She wrapped her hooves around Rainbow and held their bodies close. Rainbow felt much better knowing that Fluttershy didn't find it weird or awkward. She smiled and hugged back. "I love it."

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