Part 15

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Matt, hang on. I'm coming for you Danny told Matt after hearing the other man cry his name. He had tried to get the poltergeist to focus on him instead of Matt but the other supernatural being knew that Matt meant a lot to him and was much better at manipulating as it was much older and stronger than he was.

Danny gathered as much strength as he could and then surged on forwards towards the black mist whirlpool. "Danny! Help me? Please?" Matt cried from inside the mist and it tugged on Danny's dead heart as even in the afterlife, Danny still loved the other man more than anything. Danny didn't even hesitate as he surged forward into the mist with his hand raised out.

Matt couldn't help but close his eyes as the swirling needles continued to attack him, but that changed as he saw a light through his eyelids. He opened his eyes and saw Danny forcing himself through the whirlpool of supernatural needles, focused on solely getting close enough to Matt to link hands with him and save him.

Matt, give me your hand! Danny told him and Matt just stared at him wide eyed. Just then the whirlpool started spinning faster and the needles got sharper as the poltergeist figured out what Danny was trying to do.

No, he's mine! You are too weak! The other supernatural being shouted at Danny and Danny just growled at it and continued to surge forwards towards Matt. He got close enough and had to take Matt's hand in his by himself as Matt had closed his eyes and started to crumple into himself due to the pain. Just hang in there Matt , please?! Danny begged him and started to drag him back the way he came.

He soon found that he couldn't pull Matt away any further as the older supernatural being had upped his game and started focusing the attack on danny but still had Matt in his grasp as well.

Matt, you need to run!!! Danny told him and gathered as much strength as he could before twisting around quickly, still with Matt's hand in his firmly, and practically threw Matt out of the whirlpool to the other side of the room. Matt flew into the wall and fell to the ground in a crumpled pile of agony and painfully and slowly looked up in time to see the shadow completely eclipse Danny's pale outline, blocking out all hope of light. He was shocked that danny could physically hold his hand like he had but soon regretted being saved.

"Danny!" Matt cried weakly and tried to stand up but soon fell back down to the ground. He heard no response from danny whatsoever and tears started to noisily fall down his cheeks as the heartbreak he was waiting for arrived. "Danny, please!! Come back!" Matt screams as he cried and just curled into a ball and painful sobs ripped out of him.

Don't cry

Matt's sobs started to slow after hearing those two words and he couldn't tell if they were real or if they were in his head or if it was the poltergeist fucking with his head.

Matty, don't cry

He heard it again and this time he knew it was Danny. His chest warmed slightly and all of a sudden there was a huge burst of light from where the poltergeist had completely choked out Danny's light. No!! Weak! You're weak! This is my place, stay down! The entire house heard as the poltergeist screamed in anger and they all heard a laugh that had turned so painful to hear.

I am a lion! And Lion's are the opposite of weak! Matt heard in return, possibly even the whole house heard as it was a lot louder than Danny usually was. And then Matt saw it as danny started to push the shadow off him and try to overpower it.

"Danny, you're my little lion" Matt whispered as his energy sagged and he just weakly lay there on the floor. After Matt whisper those words, Danny's strength came back to him and even double as he fought the other supernatural's power over his home. As Matt watched, Danny stood up and pushed at the poltergeist with a bright surge of light, one after another, and pushed the poltergeist back.

This is my home and these are my humans, you will NEVER have them! Danny screamed at the poltergeist and pushed the poltergeist back again. Danny's light spread through the room completely and even started to leak into the landing, drawing Anna, George's and Jordan's attention.

"Danny, i believe in you, you can win this" Matt told him quietly and saw it as Danny's glow brightened even more. Don't ever return here! Danny commanded the poltergeist and gave it one last surge of light, this time being so strong that it flooding the landing and even seeped into other rooms as well.

Nooo... The poltergeist tried to scream as Danny's light slashed through it's dark misty shadow and it soon dissolve into nothing. Danny then turned around and dimmed his light down to practically nothing and turned on all the lights in the house.

Matt! Never forget that i love you, all of you, but mainly you Matt. You were my one true love but i need you to try and move on. I will always love you, always, but that will never be enough and i hope that you will move on and find happiness again. Tell Jay that i miss him as well, that i miss everyone so much, but things happen for a reason. And i guess this time, it's because someone needs to look after you lot, and it might as well be me. Danny told Matt and then chuckled sadly as he kneeled before Matt, who was still just weakly lying on the floor.

Before Matt could find the energy to say anything, Danny's silvery form slowly dimmed and soon there was nothing in front of him. "I love you too Danny, I love you too" Matt whispered, his voice barely audible, that quiet that he could have actually just thought it, and as his eyes started to droop shut, the door to the bedroom slammed open and George and Jordan soon came rushing in.

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