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One month later

Mitch's POV

"C'mon Scott! We need to tell them sooner or later!" I called to Scott from my bedroom. Scott was busy getting ready for Pentatonix rehearsal.

"I just want to wait until the time is right." Scott said from the bathroom.

"That's what you said last time I asked! When is the time going to be right?"

"I don't know, I'm just not ready for them to know."

When both me and Scott were ready to go to rehearsal, we hopped in his car.

"So, is the time right now?" I knew the question would annoy him even more, considering how much I had asked him over and over for the past few weeks. I was just so eager to tell Avi, Kirstie, and Kevin about our new romantic relationship.

Instead of responding to my question, Scott plugged in his phone to the AUX cord and began to blast Beyoncé through the speakers. We didn't talk at all until we were passing Starbucks.

"Starbucks?" Scott finally spoke.

"Of course queen! Mommy needs her daily dose of caffeine."
We drove up to the drive thru and Scott ordered our drinks.

"Can I get two grande iced coffees?"

Scott's POV

I was so sick and tired of hearing Mitch pester me about telling our bandmates about us dating. I was happy that we were dating, but I wasn't ready to make it public. He asked me in the car but I didn't want to answer him so I just turned on Bey to keep him quiet. I know it's rude, but I didn't know what else to say. I made it clear that I didn't want to tell anyone yet, so I couldn't see why Mitch kept asking me about it.

When we finally got to the studio, I thought about how hard it would be to keep a secret from Kirstie. She can read me like a book. I'm so terrible at hiding my emotions. Maybe if I just told her.....

"Scott! Mitch! Hey guys!" Kirstie exclaimed as we walked in.
"Oh, hi Kirst!" Mitch said.
"Scott! Watcha thinking about? You seem so deep in thought!"
Crap. She already sees it. Mitch pulled me aside. He probably knew exactly what I was thinking about.

"Scott, we have to tell her or she will find out herself. I'm telling you, she can read minds."

"I've realized that, we can just tell her quietly and ask her to keep our secret."

"Kirstie! Come here for a second!" Mitch called from across the room. Kirstie scurried over in her 'sky-high' heels looking somewhat exited yet concerned.

"What is it?" She asked, confused.

"Mitch and I have to tell you something very important, but we wanted to tell you first before Avi and Kevin." I whispered. I glanced at Mitch and he nodded his head in agreement.

"Mitch and I are...dating."

"OMG YOU GUYS ARE DATING? I KNEW IT!!!" She squealed, loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. She immediately covered her mouth, instantly regretting what she had said.

"Kirstie! Shut up! Everyones gonna hear..." I was cut off by Avi and Kevin.

"Woah, woah, woah....you guys are dating now? Where have I been?" Kevin interuptted.

"I knew you guys would make a big deal out of it, that's why we hesitated to tell you." I said.

"Sorry but this is exciting news." Avi calmly replied.

"The ship has sailed!" Kirstie said out of excitement.

Now that we had finally told them, I felt so relieved. Now we could enjoy being a couple in front of them without worrying about hiding it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2017 ⏰

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