Chapter 1: Through My Eyes

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"Ugh!" I stormed out of the house containing my 3 brothers and sisters that mean barely anything to me in my life.

Buzz is just a 20 year old jerk. He's basically that cocky guy who acts like such a smart ass. I don't even know what his girlfriend, Kim, sees in him.

Kip is the little 5 year old who everyone thinks is adorable and gives so many gifts to.

And Nia is my 19 year old sister who is the biggest bitch brought into this world.

And me, well I'm Christy- the average 15 year old girl who is an outsider and basically worth nothing in the world.

Sometimes I don't even know what to do with myself. My life is so boring and my brothers and sisters don't help make my life any more fun. School isn't doing anything for me. I don't know what I'm going to do in life and I'll probably end up being that lonely person on the streets and having no money or job. If my life doesn't turn out like that, it would be quite a surprise. I just want to have someone by my side and get someone to listen.

As I kick the leaves with my hands inside my blue skinny jeans, I think to myself, "Why cant I be like everyone else and have something to do with my life or have a friend to share my feelings with?" I finally reached the park of my neighborhood. I like to call it a park but it's really just two swings. One for me and one for the silent air that swings next to me like a ghost not haunting. I've just about had it with my family.

My mom is just a workaholic and is constantly busy with her job as a financial investor. She never asks me how school is going and she's not even aware that I'm failing 3 classes. My dad left us when I was born. My siblings tell me its because I was a mistake and I wasn't supposed to happen, and my dad couldn't take the stress of four kids, so he decided to move into his own apartment. He likes to get drunk a lot and has been to jail many times and Mom says its best just to stay away from him.

As I got up from the swing, I looked at the bird flying about me. I wish I could be like that bird- free, alive, and spirited. I feel none of those emotions.

I walked around the neighborhood more, just watching what people were doing. Everyone seemed so happy. That's the problem. People around here are too happy. Everything around here is perfect and nothing on this Earth is wrong. Everything's just perfect and peace fills the Earth full-heartedly. Who could ask for anything more?

I sighed watching the tiny little ant crawling on the sidewalk. Why can't I be like you. Where your family actually cares about what you do and can rely on you and trust you to help them and be there for them? Why can't my family notice me and appreciate the things I do for them? I mean sure, I might not do much, but I could definitely show it if they actually watched.

Sometimes I just want to quit life, but I know that's not an option. I pray that something will happen and it will change my life.

~Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Keep reading! Don't take this as an amazing writing just started! Anyone feel bad for Christy?

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