Chapter two

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He sat across from me, exactly three seats down. His eyes were glowing emerald green, even in the dark gloom of the storm. I couldn't stop staring at him. The way a smile spread across his face, and touched his eyes gently, the way his black beanie sat on his dark hair, and the way that his laugh at his friend's jokes echoed with a raging boom that met with the sounds of the thunder. After around twenty minutes, I think it started to freak him out with my constant stare because he kept glancing my way too. My mind was flashing with so many thoughts that they seemed to match the speed of the lightning that struck in the distance, outside the airport. I had butterflies in my stomach, and my face revealed an over eccentrically flustered expression while gazing at his beauty that seemed to go unnoticed in his eyes.

I looked in his direction once more, but this time I caught his eye at the same time. A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, before I broke the overly intense eye contact, and began to fidget with my the sleeves of my shirt that rest closer to the middle of my palms than they did my wrists. My shirt was a semi-tight long sleeve, a dark purple with traces of black that resembled the design of my black and red suit case. My mind was completely overtaken by the look in his eyes when they met mine. Did he think I was cute?


No. Last time I thought someone liked me it turned out to have been a dare from some friends to ask the "Weird girl" out, and then ditch her with the cheque for an overly expensive dinner when I was 22.

It was officially five hours and twenty-six minutes after the original flight should have left, when a flight attendant announced that the storm had cleared and it was safe to fly. I glanced over one more time at the man wearing plaid, the man with the black beany, and the man with the voice of thunder. He began to stand, helping another girl with her bags from the a chair over from him. She was pretty. Really pretty, and she had an amazing smile, and I... well, I didn't. three other men were also standing with them, as they all headed over to the flight attendant.

I stood in the line four people behind their group, as we all boarded the plane. Because it was just me flying I knew that I would have to sit beside somebody, but I hoped that I would have the set of three seats to myself because my spirit had just been crushed and I wasn't particularly in the mood to talk to anyone.

I got on the plane, and sat in my seat; row E, seat 34. Just as I suspected, I had a person sitting to my right, in the window seat. I was hoping that I was clear for the left, so I would at least be able to stretch out a bit for the 11 hour flight. That's what happens when you live in a small town in the middle of nowhere. You get stuck on 11 hour flights that begin at one in the morning. I didn't help the situation that I hate flying. To make matters worse, the guy began beatboxing. Loudly.


Hey guys! hope you liked the chapter - please comment on how I can improve it, but I promise it will pick up a bit, I am still trying to get the hang of this because it is the first fanfiction I've ever written. Thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2017 ⏰

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