Tiaga Aisaka x Male Reader [Part 2]

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 You were walking back home after your little encounter with Aisaka. You still couldn't believe what she did. The feeling of her lips were still on yours... and it felt good. You couldn't help but smile as you walked back to your house.

A kid from school walking home as well saw you and apparently you had a blush on your face because he decided to blurt out "Well, well looks like the new kid is happy!"

You looked at him. "W-What?" you stuttered.

"So you wanna tell me who caught your eye, new kid?"

"No! Why would I tell you anything? I don't even know you! And my name is [F/N]. I've been going to the same school as you for a few weeks now, you should know my name at least" you said to him. Then something hit you like a truck. Oh crap. You just admitted to liking someone. 

But at least he didn't know it was Aisaka... Right?

The kid laughed. "Well, guess I'll just find out for myself. See ya, new kid!" he said, a chuckle still in his voice.

Crap. You hoped he wasn't clever because if he was...

"Tell anyone at school and I'll pummel you..." Aisaka's words rang in your head.

It didn't look good for you.
You headed home as fast as you could and tried to forget about it.

The next day, you tried keeping your head down and not talk to anyone.

"Hey did you hear? I think that [F/N]'s gotta crush on Aisaka!" a kid whispered as you passed him and a few other kids with him.

Crap. Now it was a gossip topic. But what could you do? You did like Aisaka, but you couldn't just stop talking to her to disprove it.

While you were walking, you didn't see where you were going and bumped into someone.
"Oh I'm sorry I-" you started.

"Hey watch where you're going you-!" Aisaka started as well. She became silent as she saw you face however.

You were panicking on the inside. You decided to just speed-walk to your classroom and not speak.

Class seemed to drag forever. The whole time you could just think of what you were going to do about your little situation. It baffled you. "Screw it. Guess I'm gonna get a broken nose." You thought.

Once class ended you started to pack up when a group of a few guys and girls walked up to your desk.

"Sup, new kid?" a kid said.

You looked up. It was the kid from yesterday. Great. Just your freaking luck.

"What do you want?" you said.

"You know..." he said smirking. "Just save yourself the trouble and tell us"

"Yeah, tell us!" a girl said eagerly, leaning on your desk.

"W-Would you all just go away?" you said "I wanna get home..."

"Just tell us and this'll be over quick and e-" he said.

He stopped talking. Why was that?

You noticed something on his shoulder. A finger.

The kid turned around. It was Aisaka. Looking really mad.

"Oh I get it now..." the kid started, smirking. "You and Aisaka have got a-"

Before the kid could finish he sentence he got sucker-punched straight in the jaw by Aisaka. There was a loud crack heard as her fist came in contact with his jaw.

The kid fell down like a brick.

"Stop harassing him." Aisaka said, looking down at the kid.

It was silent for a couple seconds.

"So you do like [F/N] don-" another kid started.

"What? No! I mean- I... uh..." Aisaka stuttered. She looked at you for a couple seconds and a light blush formed on her face. "Yeah, I do, okay?! But you better not tease me or him, you got that?! Or else you can get a fist to the jaw, just like him!" she shouted at him, pointing down at the kid she just sucker-punched.

All of the kids that had gathered around your desk nodded in understanding and went straight back to their desks to start packing up their things again.

You were shocked what just happened. She just socked a guy in the face for you!

Aisaka looked at you again. "You okay?" she asked.

"Y-Yeah, I am but why did you..." you said.

"Hey... Someone's gotta protect you from those idiots" she said with a small smile.

Protect. That was a strong word.

"Well I've gotta go now... I'll see you tomorrow." she said.

She went back to her desk and packed up her things. You did the same but before she was out the door she mumbled something to you.

She quickly walked out the door but ran out after her. "Wait, Aisaka!" you said.

She stopped and looked back at you.

"I love you too." you said, smiling.

She grew an intense blush and smiled deeply at you, but then she was on her way.

She was something else. And you loved that about her.

[End of part 2 of 2]

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