Yuno Gasai x Male Reader [Part 1]

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[Old] A/N: Seeing that Yukki is practically inseparable from Yuno... We're gonna pretend Yukki doesn't exist in this story. Think of it as another multiverse. I tried to come up with some reason to get Yukki out of the way but I couldn't think of anything and I wasn't about to resort to killing Yukki. Anyway, enjoy the story.

Mondays. Suck.
Everyone knows that.
And boy, did you know it today.
You had no idea what time it was. How could you? You barely got any sleep last night. You were fighting just to keep your eyes open.

"Maybe just a 5 minute nap..." you said to yourself as you closed your eyes, falling asleep.

"[L/N!]" the teacher yelled at you who-knows-how-long after you fell asleep.
You bolted your head up at the sound of the teacher yelling at you.

"Would you like to give a proper welcoming to our new student here?" the teacher asked, a bit mad.

You looked at the girl, whom you presumed was the new student.

"I'm so sorry!" you said, sitting up straight, "Welcome to our school and I hope you have a good experience here" you said quickly to her. You must've been blushing because you heard quite a few kids laughing at you. Or they're just laughing at you being called out by the teacher. Immature jerks.

The new girl smiled.

"Um... Thank you" she said.

You've had bad first impressions before, but never this bad. You wish you could've just been left alone to sleep in peace.
The girl sat down in the back of the class afterwards.

You were awake now, unfortunately (although you were still tired. In between the state of awake and tired). Why can't school still have nap time? You groaned. Just thinking about how tired you were made you even more tired.

You kind of zoomed out the rest of class. Seemed to go on forever. However, after that, the clock finally ticked to 3. You could go home. "Finally" you thought. You took your time packing up your things, no reason in rushing. Not like anything was going on tonight.

While you were packing up your things, the new girl walked up to you.

"Look... I'm sorry about this morning, it's a Monday, I'm tired, I barely got any sleep last night, I'm tired... Tired..." you said

"Oh, that? It's fine, trust me" the girl said. "I'm Yuno Gasai" she said, smiling.

"Nice to meet you... Properly" you said. "I'm [F/N] [L/N]. Hey uh, why did you do this? I mean like I appreciate it but... ... Yeah"

"Just because we had a bad first impression, doesn't mean we can't be friends, right?" she said.

"I guess..." you said, a bit confused. "Sorry to cut this short, but I wanna get home. Dead tired"

"Don't worry, I understand" she said.

"Thanks" you said, packing up the rest of your things and leaving class.

Walking back home sucked. You're tired and you can't seem to walk fast enough to just get to your house. It didn't seem to help that it was a good 15 minute walk.
While walking, you heard someone calling your name. You stopped and looked behind you. It was Yuno. Why was she going this way? Maybe her house was close by yours? Eh, whatever. It took to much brainpower to think. Plus if you used too much, you'd probably just fall straight on the ground asleep (and that would be bad).

"Hi [F/N]!" Yuno said cheerfully, catching up to you.

"Hey Yuno. Your house this way too?" you asked.

"Somewhat" she replied.

You were surprised this girl was even talking to you, much less walking with you. If anything, you'd think that she'd be ignoring you.
The two of you walked back to your house and had some casual conversation about school. By the things she told you, it seemed like she was smart. Really smart.
After your little conversations, you arrived at your house and said bye.

"Home sweet home" you said, setting your stuff on a table. You looked around. No one. Typical. Both your parents worked long, but you were used to it so it didn't bother you.
You walked up to your room and plopped down on your bed and closed your eyes. Sweet bliss.

You woke up later feeling refreshed. Naps always help. You checked the clock to see what time it was. The clock read 10:48 PM. Not so much of a nap after all.

What were you supposed to do now? Your parents were asleep and it was dark out. You didn't even attempt to go back to sleep for school tomorrow. Looks like you'd have to pull an all-nighter.

You sighed. Well this sucked. You stayed on the side of your bed thinking about the things you could do to kill time. While you were thinking, you heard a knocking on your... window? You turned toward the window.

"Yuno?!" you yelled. You quickly put a hand over your mouth. You waited a couple seconds to make sure you didn't wake your parents up. After a couple long seconds, you let out a sigh of relief. Nothing. You walked up to the window and opened it.

"What the heck are you doing here?" you said, a bit mad.

"I was bored so I decided to come here!" Yuno said like it wasn't any problem whatsoever while sitting on top of a branch by your window.

"You can't just knock on my window in the middle of the night just because you're bored!" you quietly yelled. "How'd you even get here?"

"That's my little secret" she said, smiling.

What the heck was this girl's problem?
"Why didn't you just do to another friends house, why me?" you said.

"I... I don't have any friends around here" she said saddly. Her mood changed from happy to sad in a millisecond.

"Crapcrapcrap" you thought. You didn't want to make her feel bad and you certainly did not want to have her start saying you said some crap about a new girl of all people.

You sighed. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. Come inside. It's cold out there," you said offering you hand to help her inside your room.
She gladly took it and stepped from the branch to your room.
What was up with her? She changed between 2 moods in the time span of 5 seconds. That's impressive.
You closed the window once she was inside.

"Look, I'm not trying to be mean but it just seemed a little strange that you would come to my house of all places in the middle of the night" you explained.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" Yuno asked, completely disregarding what you just said.

"Wha-huh?" you babbled, confused.

She got closer to you until she was just a couple inches away from your face. "Well? Do you?" she repeated.

"I never really thought about it..." you said.

"Well I do... And I believe in doing anything for love..." she said, with a slight crazy look in her eye.
Oh-kay then. This was starting to weird you out. Why was she going to your house at night and randomly talking about 'love at first sight'? Plus she kinda looked a little... insane.

"Yuno... Are you feeling alright?" you asked.

She smiled, still with the crazy look in her eyes. "I'm fine. I'm with you, so how could I not be fine?" she said.

"Yuno do you like me or something?" you asked.

"So much more than that, [F/N]..." she said.

She started to laugh a little. It was a small laugh but you could hear some psychotic element in her laugh that scared you.

"Yuno, maybe you should go home. We've got school tomorrow anyway, don't wanna be tired for that, right?" you said, desperately trying to get her to leave.

"If you'd like me to..." she said.

"I'm not saying you have to, I just think it'd be a good idea... That's all" you said.

"Alright..." she said.

She smiled and went to the window she entered in. She opened it and hopped out onto the branch. She turned around and waved cutely. "Good night!" she said.

"Good night..." you replied back.
You closed the window.

Yuno climbed down the tree.

"I love you, [F/N]... I'll prove it... Then you'll have to love me back... You'll have to..."  

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