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I woke up and rubbed my eyes, I turned  over on my side and opened my eyes, it was almost eleven. Today was Thursday, the only day I could wake up remotely late.

I got up and changed my clothes, putting on my sweatshirt over my t-shirt, it was a normal thing for me to do, I rarely didn't wear a sweatshirt. I headed downstairs a smile on my face, remembering yesterday with Brendon. I walked up to counter, and saw Rose with her usual wide grin. I walked over to the fridge and picked out a salad and a V8 and went up to the counter and got an orange Rose's eyes widened.

"Really?" She asked, surprised and confused.

"Don't make me put it all back," I said with a chuckle. I sat on one of the stools at the counter and opened my salad.

"What's going on? Why are you so happy? And why are you all of a sudden eating so much?" Rose bombarded me with questions, raising a brow confused.

"Well I met someone, he makes me happy, even though I only met him a few days ago," I say with a wide grin then took a bite of my salad, it was weird, I haven't had a salad in many years. Her confusion had faded into a comforting smile.

"Really? Who is it? What's their name?" She asked, intrigued.

"Well it's the guy I was talking to here two days ago, his name is Brendon," I told her, talking another bite of my salad then a sip of my V8.

"That's good," she says with a warm smile, "So have you guys, you know," she asks, with a little laugh.

"No, no we've just kissed, and I wouldn't do something like that with someone I just met, even though it feels as if I've known him forever," I tell her.

"Awe that's cute," she says. From what I know about Rose she is more of the hopeless romantic types and she is very optimistic about love. Her boyfriend, Jack, is a total douche. Sometimes I see him when he comes to pick her up and I hear them fight a lot and some days she comes in with bruises and I can tell he hit her. I've told we plenty of times to break up with him, but she never listens she says she's fine but she doesn't see how blinded by love she is to see what he's doing to her. But he doesn't lover he and I don't think he ever has. That's  another reason why she's like my mother, and that's why I'm so adamant to get her out of this relationship.

I take another bite of my salad, it wasn't that big so I would be finished with it soon. "So have you broken up with Jack yet?" I ask her, judging that she is here and all smiley, she most likely didn't.

"No," she replies, her smile quickly fading into a frown and her electric blue eyes filling with a bunch of emotions, anger, fear, depression, sadness, hopelessness. "You really need to stop asking," she tells me.

"And you need to get out of that relationship, it's toxic and you're too blind in love to see that, and I don't want you to get hurt," I tell her, sadly, she is one of my only friends and I would hate for the relationship to get even more toxic and for him to really hurt her.

"Ryan, he loves me, and you need to stop telling me that," she says rolling her eyes at me. Yep. It's hopeless.

"Okay, I'll stop telling you that when you do it," I say, it was true and she knew it.

And no response. I finished my salad and threw the container away, talking a sip of my V8 and peeling my orange.

"Rose," I said, I hated when she was pissed off at me, "I'm sorry," I said.

"It's fine," she said, but not really meaning it. I took a price of the orange and ate it. "It's good your eating," she says, with a fake smile, it was fake because she was still pretty pissed off at me.

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