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- Ryan -

"Please get out," the doctor told us and I nodded my head and tried to pull Brendon out of the room but he wouldn't budge.

"No, no, I can't leave her, I can't, I can't, I have to stay with her," Brendon said, crying more.

"You really need to leave or I can't operate on her," the doctor said and signaled one of the nurses to get him out of the room.

"No," he said as she pushed him out out of the room and I followed, Melanie with June in her arms following.

Brendon started pacing back and forth in the hallway outside Sophie's door. Tears were rushing down his face.

I opened up my arms and tried to embrace Brendon but he pushed me back. His eyes were full of tears and his face was stained with tears. I looked in to his eyes and they screamed sadness and anger.

"This is all your fault!" he lashed out at me, "I knew we shouldn't have taken her there and I'm so stupid for listening to you, you're stupid for suggesting it!"
He screams at me some more. It hurt to hear him scream at me. It reminded me of when my dad would scream at me and tell me how worthless I was.

"I know I'm stupid, I shouldn't have suggested it, I was trying to do something nice for her because I know how it feels to be cooped up in this hospital, I'm sorry, I'm dumb and I fucked up real bad," I said, I don't want him to push me away. He can't push me away. I don't want to be alone again. I can't be alone again. I can't do this.

"Just leave me alone, I don't want to see you right now," he said and turned away from me. At that moment my heart dropped. This can't happen. I felt the hallway start spinning.

"Brendon, please," I said as more tears fell from my eyes, "please don't do this," I barely choked out through tears. He can't do this to me. He can't.

"Just go away," his voice said. His tone was stone cold and almost shattered my heart. The hallway started spinning more now and I could barely see. I saw someone whisper something to Brendon and then walk over to me and grab my wrist.

"Come on," I could barely hear the person say as they start leading me along. The hallway was spinning even more. I could barely see what was in front of me. There was a loud ringing in my ears. My heart was aching and it hurt a lot.

I hated the way he yelled at me. I hated it a lot. I replayed the events over in my mind again. I could hear him yelling and it kept getting louder and louder in my ears.

All the memories of my dad yelling at me came rushing back and my head was crowded. There was a lot of yelling in my brain as more tears feel from my eyes.

I couldn't hear anymore and everything started to become more black and I couldn't feel anything anymore.

Then everything went black.

{Helloooo everyone!
Wow that chapter was short and I'm so sorry
I mean that's how I wanted it to end so I'm not that sorry but I will try and make the next chapter longer
Anyways hope y'all had a good day and hope y'all have a good Mother's Day :) }

Let Me Save You ➸ RydenWhere stories live. Discover now