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So I had a breakdown tonight. It was about Felix or pewdiepie. I'm fine now I think I just feel like he doesn't deserve this. People tell me that he's a jerk but I think he's chill. Yeah he's a jerk on camera but I don't think he's a jerk off camera. Felix is my idol so is mark and jack but I saw Felix first and all tho I wasn't able to watch him when I was young because of his language and ya know stuff like that i still had a strong connection with him. (Not like that XD) Felix is the reason I wanted to get into YouTube. I know what he's done is very wrong and inappropriate he apologized so many times I'm pretty sure he was crying at one point so to see fans leave and call him a nazi it just breaks me. I cried and my internet friends helped me (because i have no other friends then online friends. Which in my opinion online friends are better then real friends) anyways it just made me mad, then really mad, and then I was just crying. I know stupid thing to cry over but it's hard for me to cry now a days. I've sorta became emotionless so crying is something I don't do often anymore. Laughing, happiness and the occasional scared out of my mind is the only emotion I feel. So to cry tonight was amazing because it shows that I care about others more than me. I think maybe i dont know. XD I just wanted to rant and stuff and to tell you FUK with my boys you FUK with me. (Like I'm strong enough to fight you XD but I'll try so you've gotta give me that.) okay I think this rant is over so now I'm going to......well i dont know probably just go watch videos........WAIT!!! I forgot. The thing that got me to the point of really mad was scare pewdiepie was cancelled because of this stupid mistake like come on!!!! Jack was so tired when he got back to Ireland and everyone worked so hard on that show. I just I don't know it just pissed me off cause that a really go show and because of one stupid little mistake it gets cancelled like I was so excited for season two and then I find out it's been cancelled!!!!!! He doesn't deserve any of this hate he apologized and that's it. It's like when you make a mistake and you ask your friend to forgive you like yeah they might be pissed for what ever you did but they ain't gonna ruin your life over that one little mistake you made and if they do ya need ta get new friends m8. XD see what I'm getting at? Felix is a friend and I was pissed at him for what he did but he apologized and I was like you know he really didn't know those idiots were gonna do it and I can't stay mad at this bitch so I'll forgive him. (If you don't know what's going on like I did until someone told me why everyone was mad at him I'll tell you. So Felix found this website *dont ask what website cause i dont know* and it was like you tell these people what to do and they'll do it for money. So there was these to boy that will make a sigh with what you want it to say and jump around laughing while they hold it. So pewdiepie put what he wanted not letting us know until he got it. When he got it he showed the video he got from the boys. The sigh said "kill the Jews" so that's where the nazi thing came from. But he really didn't think they would do that. He apologized right after the video showed after he snapped out of he shock. So now you know.) so anyways blah blah Felix is my friend (not really cause i dont know himXD) blah blah can't hate the bitch and forgave him. See how hard was that not so hard so why can't everyone endorse that? Because the need to be mad at someone for there life and their victim? Felix. Now I'm not saying oh you're wrong oh you're so stupid for being mad at him. All I'm saying is he made a mistake he knows he did it and he apologized but like scare pewdiepie why you go and cancel that like come on m8. I was ready. I appreciate people's opinions. To me everyone's opinions matter. Whether they hurt me or someone else. Others opinions matter. Just like people say that being transgender is a choice. It hurts me but I appreciate it and I embrace the opinion. Like being gay/transgender is a sin. I tell my online friends when they tell me something is a sin I say my life is a sin. Opinions matter. And so Felix being a nazi okay that's your opinion but don't ruin something good like scare pewdiepie like m8 I love appreciate your opinion but don't say it do it cancels a show. Okay I think I'm done now. Bye!!

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