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I miss everyone. I miss hanging out at with friends. I hate this feeling it reminds me of someone that theses letters know oh so well. I wish I was distracted by something other then someone. At least the gang is back. But of course they're not the same as that person that I so much want to fix our friendship with. Is this a letter? No probably not. This person hopefully doesn't know who they are. Probably does though oh well. Why is this sad? Oops. Well I mean how do you make missing someone not sound sad? But ill get over it. I did it last time. I can do it again. Right? I hope. The gang is doing a lot better. I mean they say sorry for what they did to.....great that person popped up again. Why am I writing this? This is so stupid!
Im writing this because I want it off my chest. So here. Note im not trying to hurt you I just need it off.
Look i really liked you and I made the really stupid decision of telling the gang about you. Elijah was Lucas. I was so mad at him when I found out. I am really sorry truly sorry. I know then that I was over that because of him you don't believe in the "other side" of me, witch is fine I don't expect you to. Because of him I could talk to you anymore and because of him I losses a great friendship. I told you that us dating wouldn't ruin our relationship any everyone else did to. We got shipped by our friends witch was funny. But I shouldn't have told you that it wouldn't ruin it. Im sorry about that. Our relationship was gone down the drain and all my friends do is mess with you. Although I dated twice before you, those were funny just messing around i just did it for a dare type relationships. So when people at this new school ask me who my first girlfriend was, my mind always goes to you. I always tell them you were my first, witch in a way you were because we dated because we wanted to not for just some stupid joke. If they asked me what you were like I would go on about your personality and how funny you are when you're fangirling and how cute it was when I flirted with you and you would tell me to stop. Im not doing this to make you want to date me again to be totally honest I really hope you don't read this. Im not a good person to be around im........toxic. I wrote this to get it off my chest. Because if I didn't I would explode and yell at my parents about this. Um so sorry if any of this jade you cry or angry I just needed it off my chest.

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