Chapter 1

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katys POV 

i was sitting on the couch in the front room with my laptop on my knee searching for other teaching jobs, there isn’t much out there at the moment, most of them are in other states. i’ve been in Santa Barbara all my life, maybe it is time for a change i mean these jobs pay way better than my job now and it doesn’t have to be forever i can always come back. 

i clicked on one of the links and opened up an application form, couldn’t hurt to try right? 

———a week later 

i was sitting on my couch not at all sad about calling things off with Owen, he just wasn’t the one for me, i hope i do find someone soon though, i’d like to settle down. i opened up my email and saw one from an email i didn’t recognise it was the school in Montana that i had applied for a job at, i had gotten i! i didn’t know what to do so i called up my sister Angela to see if she had any advice because they said in the email that they needed an answer asap. 

“hey sis what’s up?”  Angela answered, her normal cheerful self.

“i need your advice on something” i said cautiously 

“sure what is it?"

“well i applied for this job and its really well payed and well i’ve been offered it but-“ 

Angela cut me off “what to you need advice for? this is great, take it!” 

“well, it’s in Montana…” 

“oh…” i  could hear the sadness in her voice 

“Katy, it’s a great opportunity and as much as i want you to be here and be close to me i really think you should take it! and you can come 

back all the time and we can come and see you and there’s phones and the internet!” 

Angela was really making me feel better about the whole situation and making me want to go. 

“ok, so i’m gonna go?” 

“um YES! when are you going to tell mom and dad?” 

that was a good question, what would they think about it? 

“ok well i think I’m just going to reply to the email and say i want the job and make sure everything is sorted and i know when i have to be there before i say anything to them, i don’t want to freak them out for no reason.”

“ok well i better get back to work, call me if you need anything, love you sis!” 

“love you too, bye!” 

i smiled as i put down the phone, she always had a way of making everything better. 

it was four weeks later and i had told my parents about everything, they were really supportive and really happy which i was grateful for. i had moved to Montana but it was the summer holidays now, school didn’t start back up for a few weeks so i got to just check out the town i was in and get settled in. it was really beautiful here at the moment, the warm weather made it feel a little bit more like home which was good because i really did miss Santa Barbara and my family! 

it was only about 8am and i wanted to go to the shops and get an iced coffee before it got really hot and really busy. i slipped on a pair of flip-flops to go with my floral sundress and grabbed my sunglasses and keys off the table near the door. 

i got to the coffee shop and pulled into one of the parking spaces out front then made my way inside and into the line. i noticed that after i parked a large land rover park next to mine and a man got out and was now stood behind me in the line, he had almost shoulder length curly brown hair and was wearing a sort of brown cow boy hat to go with his denim shorts and tshirt. 

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