Chapter 3

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Katy's POV  

john came back upstairs with a plate of food and handed it to me while he got back onto the bed , he pulled the covers over his legs and then turned back to me to grab the plate.   

“told you it wouldn’t be five star, i don’t really have many ingredients in the kitchen so i hope toast is alright?”   

“toast is great! any kind of food is great, you should know my feelings towards food by now” i said laughing   

“very true” he said as he bit into a piece of toast    

“when do you want me to leave?” i said looking over at him and smiling   

“well i need to do some packing, i have to fly to new york for a few days and then to LA. i have to do some press and things. so soon unless you want to help me pack?”   

“do you want me to help you pack?” i said smiling at him   

“it’s probably best if you don’t, ill get too distracted”   

“very true”   

“how’s your foot feeling?”   

“i completely forgot about that! it feels ok, a little sore i haven’t looked at it yet though”   

“here, let me see”   

i slowly pulled my foot out of the blankets and he carefully held onto it   

“it looks fine to me” he said as he lightly kissed near my ankle then put it back down under the covers   

i moved to the side of the bed and got out  

“i can’t really be bothered getting dressed or anything before i leave, so you can drop me off whenever you’re ready”   

john smiled over at me   

“im not trying to get rid of you already, but this is probably the most convenient time for me to take you back” he said as he also got out of the bed   

“okay, let me just get my stuff” i walked out of the room and into the guest room and picked up my bag then came back out into the hall   

“all set!”   

we walked down the stairs and into the car and it wasn’t long before we were back at my house. i opened the door and john being the gentlemen he is was there to close it behind me. i got my keys out of my pocket,opened the door, them placed my bag on the ground and turned back around to face john.    

“I’ll see you when i get back?” john asked as he smiled down at me   

“yeah, of course!” i smiled back at him   

he opened up his arms and i moved into them to hug him, neither of us let go and we just stood there swaying for a while until he pulled away slightly leaving his hands on my waist. i rested my hands on his arms and stared into his eyes.   

“i know we haven’t known each other very long and i don’t know what this is between us but i do know one thing”   

“and what’s that?” i asked as i gave his arm a small squeeze  

“i really like spending time with you, and I’m gonna miss you”   

i moved my arms so that they were around his neck but leaned back into his arms that were around my waist then softly said “I’m gonna miss you too”   

we smiled at each other then i continued “but we’re going to stay in touch while you’re gone right?”   

our faces were now pretty close and john moved his hand up to my check and brushed a strand of hair behind my ear, his hand lingered there. was he going to kiss me? i wanted him to be the first one to kiss me i feel like it would be more real for the both of us. i don’t want him to think that I’m only interested in him because he’s famous and force myself on him. But i also don’t want to be thinking like this, i just want it to be normal, his fame shouldn’t be on my mind in any way, good or bad.   

john began stroking my cheek and i leaned sideways into it smiling at him, he smiled back and then leaned forward even more smiling and breathing out as our lips were almost touching, i couldn’t help but smile as well. I closed my eyes and i felt his soft lips on mine, they moved in sync and john licked my bottom lip asking for access which i gladly gave him. after a few seconds i pulled away smiling then pecked his lips a few more times.   

“i really have to go now”   

“but i don’t want you to” i said giggling   

he moved his hands from around my waist and linked our hands together at our sides, he leaned in and softy kissed my lips again then began walking backwards, not letting go of my hands until our arms couldnt stretch any further.   

“ill see you soon” he said and then walked to his car and drove off    

my heart sank when his hands left mine, i haven’t really felt like this about anyone, and it had only been a few weeks. i’m really going to miss him while he’s gone.       

johns pov   

NYC a few days later   

“ok so we’re doing 3 more radio interviews then we’ll go back to the hotel for a while then to the airport”    “sounds good guys, when’s my first interview?” i wanted to find some time to call Katy   

“uhhh about 15 minutes”   

“ok i’ll be in my dressing room come tell me when i need to go”   


i walked to my dressing room, sat down on the couch, then pulled out my phone and dialled katy’s number   

“hey” she said softly, i could almost hear the smile in her voice   

“hi, i hope I’m not interrupting anything i had some time before my next interview so i thought i’d call”    “you’re not interrupting anything, I’m just sitting outside reading. how’s New York?”   

“New York is good, i want to come back and see you though, i miss you”   

she giggled “i miss you too, i wish i could have come with you”   

i thought about that for a second, why couldn’t she have come with me? i was kind of scared that she wouldn’t fit into or like my lifestyle but it would probably be better to find out now rather than later. i was already falling for her.   

“why don’t you meet me in LA then? i fly there tonight, i’d be busy but you could come to everything with me? or maybe your sister could come and see you while I’m working? i can get my team to sort out everything, all you would have to do is show up at the airport and—“   

Katy interrupted me “john, you don’t have to try and convince me, ill come! ill definitely come just tell me what time to be at the airport”   


“of course! who would say no to a trip to LA?”   

she had the best sense of humour, i cleared my throat to play along   

“and i guess seeing you makes it well worth it”   

“John 5 minutes until your next interview”   


“i have to go, but ill give you the flight information as soon as i get it, I’m so excited to see you!”   

“me too! good luck with your interview”   


“bye” i hung up the phone and out it in my pocket   

“hey, do you think you could arrange a plane ticket on the nearest flight from Montana to LA? i have a friend who i want to be in LA with me while I’m there”    

“sure, whats the name for the ticket?”   

“Katy Hudson”   

he nodded and i walked out of the room and towards where the interview was taking place, this was going to be the best time I’ve ever spent in LA i think, i never feel like a celebrity when I’m with Katy and in a city where i always feel like a celebrity it will be good to forget about it and be normal for a while.

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