Unexpected Guests Chap. 4

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Draco lay awake in his bed, the obnoxious snores of Blaise Zabini disrupting the quiet of the night. Draco rolled over onto his side and mashed a pillow against the side of his head, trying to block out the incessant noise. It wasn't like the snoring was keeping him from sleep, his mind was far too busy for that, but the sound was incredibly annoying. Draco sat up, exhaling loudly and pushed a hand through his unkempt hair. Silently, he left the dorm room and entered the Slytherin common room. Draco slumped down into one of the stiff couches that faced the blazing fire and rubbed the back of his stiff neck. He stared into the glowing eyes of the snake bust, mounted over the opulent fireplace, and recounted the day's events. Every moment after he had left the room had steadily gotten worse. He checked everywhere for Granger but she was nowhere to be found. He had thought for sure she would be in Myrtle's bathroom but she was not there, nor was she in the library or any of the empty classrooms in the entire castle. By dinner he was exhausted from his tiresome search for Hermione Granger and he had little patience for the ruthless interrogation from his fellow Slytherins. Needless to say, he left dinner early, once again dismissing the buzz of rumors behind him. Which left him here, slouched on a green leather sofa in the Slytherin common room at who knows what hour of the night (morning?), with bags under his eyes and a very troubled mind. It wasn't even an hour later when someone else came down from the dormitories and swayed up to Draco.

"What are you doing down here, Draco?" Pansy Parkinson purred as she spread out on the couch beside him, leaning her head against his shoulder. Draco fought the urge to pull away, opting to stay perfectly still instead.

"Just thinking." Draco said stonily, not wanting to give Pansy even the slightest inviting indication.

"Oh," Pansy said, looking slightly disappointed, "can I join you?"

"I can't stop you." Pansy perked up a little. After a few moments of silence Pansy started to squirm.

"So..." she began but was cut off abruptly by Draco.

"Look, I came down to think. Not talk."

"Well. I'm sure you also came down to escape Blaise. He snores like a fog horn." Pansy sighed and Draco felt the corners of his mouth threaten to turn up.

"And how would you know that?" Draco asked, turning his head slightly to look at her. Pansy broke eye contact quickly, looking down.

"Oh please. You can here him through the walls." Pansy said, but her face had turned red. Draco laughed. Pansy, taking that as a good sign, pushed herself closer to him. There was another uncomfortable lapse of silence and Draco stood.

"Well, it is late. Or rather early. I think I'm going to try to sleep while I can." He turned abruptly and disappeared into the dormitories.

Draco made his way down to the great hall hopefully. He couldn't wait to see her there, happily chatting with the other Gryffindors or chiding Ron and Harry for not doing their homework. Mostly, he wanted to see her there just to make sure she was doing alright after yesterday's events. But part of him really wanted to see her, wanted to make sure that she understood what exactly was between him and Pansy, or rather wasn't there. Part of him wanted her to be just as eager to see him as he was to see her. His heart sank to the bottom of his stomach when he half ran half walked into the great hall for breakfast and found her normal seat empty. Before he could recover himself, Ron made eye contact with him across the room and scowled. Draco looked quickly away and hurried to his table, a pink flush coloring his cheeks.

Hermione sat alone, wind whipping her hair around her face wildly and the smell of birds all around her. The owlery was quiet in the early morning, peaceful almost, in Hermione's opinion. She sat on one of the brick edges, her legs over the edge, dangling. However, her arms were hugging one of the pillars hard, keeping her secure. The cold air of early morning bit at the skin of her bare arms. Hermione gazed out at the beautiful landscape, the rich colors drew her in and calmed her down, and eventually the tear stained paths down her cheeks dried. As she looked out she came to the resolution that the thing that bothered her about yesterday's class was not Snape's unkind words. It was Draco. It was Draco and Pansy. Draco and Pansy! Of course! She thought. How could I be so stupid? It makes so much sense. I shouldn't care though. Why would I care about them? They can do whatever they like whenever they like. I'll just stay out of it. But even Hermione knew she was lying to herself. The real question on her mind was why she cared so much. Coincidentally, Ginny had the answer for her. Ginny appeared at the top of the owlery stairs shortly after Hermione had asked herself such questions. Hermione expected an explosion of questions and accusations from the small red head but Ginny just walked over to Hermione and sat on the ledge with her, facing the opposite way with her back to the scenery. They stayed like that for a while longer.

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