I'm dead.

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Moving hair from my drowsy eyes, I yawn loudly. I push the black and white striped bedsheets away from my slender figure and walk towards blinds. The sun creeps into my empty room, brightening the dreery mood that had overcome me. Waking up is the worst... That's when it happened.

"What. The. Actual. Fuck?!" Erin yells at the top her lungs, dashing out of the room covering her face. I run into the living room to see why she was screaming. Peering out of my doorway, i see the door wide open and Mark standing in the frame with Taeyong next to him... Sally-Ann is lying on the floor staring at him. Well shit. "I uh..." I stutter nervously, self conscious.
"Y/N you look beautiful..." Mark gasps, his mouth gaping. I push my hair behind my ear and look to the floor shyly, blushing wildly.
"So you're telling me there's a cute girl who likes me, Taeyong I don't know about this..." Jaehyun says from the doorway.
"We're here going to a theme park, just enjoy it." Taeyong pushes his shoulder slightly and steps over the threshold. The lavender haired boy walks towards the ginger mess and offers her a hand. Without hesitation she takes it and stands shakily. "I'm Sally-Ann" she stutters.
"I know, Mark told me alot about you." Taeyong smiles and leads her towards the sofa we had in our petite living room.
"Hyung, where is she then?" Jaehyun whines impatiently. Erin steps out of her room slowly, throwing on less revealing clothes. "Uh, what's going on?" Erin whispers, walking next to me.
"I'm not sure..." I whisper back, uncertainly.

"Hey, my name is Jung Jaehyun, I'm your date for today?" Jaehyun holds his neck nervously, staring down at the beautiful girl in front of him. "Anyeonghaseyo I'm Erin" she bows and then gives him the most adorable smile he had ever seen.

"I'm okay" Sally-Ann says, able to stand. Taeyong still cautiously watches her, worries she may fall again. His heart melts at the face of the ginger girl, her laugh echoes in his mind still and her smile still appearing in his imagination. Taeyong felt thankful towards Mark for allowing him to meet such a girl, a girl who had influence on his happiness... With Just One Smile. (So I put those words in caps because...

Drum Roll Please

I'm gonna write Sally-Ann a Fanfic cuz she's cute. Yep we're real people)

"Y/N, you look so cute" Mark smiles down at me, making me scrunch my nose I'm disbelief.
"Oh my god, my bed face... I cant-"

I'm writing this fanfic for my friend and she says she looks ugly in the morning... I was trying to make it a little more true to herself so... I think she's beautiful always <3

Back to the story:
Mark leans down and kisses my cheek, instinctively I go to rub it off- a habit since I was a child. The boy grabs my hand "Noo, keep it onnn" he whines in a aegyo tone, I cringe so much that I nod my head to make it stop. Everytime Erin does aegyo I threaten to hit her... I don't want to hit Mark. The boys wait in the living room whilst we all frantically get changed.

"Wahh" Erin squeals cutely, looking at the vehicle we would be travelling in. Jaehyun stares at her longingly, wondering where she was his whole life. She climbs into the minivan and takes a seat. Jaehyun-literally-runs to sit next to the brown haired girl. Turning to look at the boy, Erin internally fangirls. Her. Idol. Is. Sitting. Next. To. Her. Trying to hold back her fangirling, Erin began to dig her nails into her knee, Jaehyun notices and grabs her hand. "A-" Erin starts to squeal but stops herself. Jaehyun laughs at the girl, adoring her.

"Mark, what are we doing?" I ask, confused. When he suddenly appeared at my door I was filled with joy and excitement... I haven't felt this way towards someone before...?
"I'm taking you to a a theme park, don't worry I'm not gonna kill you. Also... We're going separately... I wanna show you something." With this he grabs my hand and leads me to the steps of my apartment block. I follow him reluctantly, clutching his hand for dear life. When we reach the door, we are met by pouring rain. A smirk spreads over the boys face as he leads me to the door. "Oppa... What are you doing?" I ask nervously, pulling backwards from him.
"I want to show you this!" He points longingly to the blossom tree across the road. Memories of our date popped onto my mind, I smile widely and take his hand again. Mark leads me underneath the tree, the rain pours down on us. I shuffle closer to him and poke his pale cheek. We chase eachother around the tree but I slip and fall into his arms. He looks into my eyes before leaning down and pressing his soft pink lips against mine. I kiss him back, instinctively placing my arms around his neck. We pull away and laugh awkwardly.
"Let's... Go..." Mark breathes out, grinning. I can't get the taste of his kiss off of my burning lips.

"No... I can't do this. Oh my god, I can't stand." Erin crumples to the floor, plagued with her fear of heights. Jaehyun runs next to her and holds her hand. She stands up and stares at the ride terrified. "I'm gonn-" the ride zooms past us making Erin let out a horrified scream. Tears come out of her eyes slightly, Jaehyun wraps his arms around her and tells her it's gonna be okay.
"You okay?" He whispers
"Mh" she hums into his chest
"We don't have to-"
"I want to." Erin tuts and climbs onto the ride shakily. Jaehyun slides into the seat next to her and grabs her hand again, suddenly frightened. Erin squeezes his fingers gently but reassuringly calming the boy down. Adjusting the belts provided for the rode, the guard rails come down and hold everyone tightly in place. The ride starts to rise up, causing everyone's stomachs to drop. "Oh shit... There's no gettin- AHHHHHH" Jaehyun yells as the ride suddenly drops, then starts doing loops etc..
"Woo!" Passengers of the ride yell at the top of their lungs, senses heightened by the adrenaline.

"What happened?" I ask suddenly, seeing Jaehyun on the bench rocking slightly. Erin sits closely to him, holding his arm protectively.
"The roles switched?" Mark winked at me and ran towards the scene.
"He is just recovering from that" she points the the largest ride they have at the amusement park.
"Baka..." I mutter under my breath.
"I'm not a baka..." Erin says defensively. I laugh and turn towards Mark. "Wanna ride something then?" I ask, smiling brightly at the boy... He nods and grabs my hand leading me to what he wanted to ride. We get to front of the queue, after waiting foreverrr, and start pouring into the ride. The long lines suddenly shortened, I shuffle in my seat uncomfortably- suddenly scared.
"She got me going crazy..." Mark hums to himself, feeling frightened.
"You call me monster..." I sing back to him, giggling adorably. The ride starts up, a loud manic laughter booms from the speakers on the floor. Shivers creep up my spine, I grab Marks hand and close my eyes. We descend upwards, to so high I can no longer see the people on the ground- at the peak of the ride, we stop. Panic shifts through every passenger, scared something with the ride went wrong. I frantically look around, the pale faces offering me no reassurance. Eerie laughter starts up again and the ride proceeds, flying rapidly down the declines and the loops. As soon as the ride stops, I climb out of the ride, Mark comes next to me.
"I thought I was going to die" I struggle to structure my sentences.
"Never been one for suspense either" he wraps his arm around my arm and walks me to the others. We walk to the others, Jaehyun and Erin are laughing about something, I shuffle closer to hear them.
"When you guys did that prank on Taeyong and Jonny I felt so bad. At the same time it was funny! You're such a good actor!" She exclaims, grinning.
"I thought I had gone to far, I'm glad you enjoyed it Erin." Jaehyun looks into her eyes, getting lost in the blue and green colours. Erin squeals slightly, tucking a strand of her brown hair behind her left ear. Smiling, I walk over to Sally-Ann and Taeyong.
"When you got that ice cream for winwin, I was so touched. I think Erin cried slightly, calling you adorable. There was a time... We was staying at a friends house watching all this kpop stuff- not to sound obsessed or anything- and we went to the store. We only had enough for some pizza but I got them ice cream. They called me Mrs. Taeyong for weeks. That's really awkward now that I have just told you" Sally-Ann face palms.
"It's cute, I'm glad you felt touched by my act" he laughs moving hair from Sally-Ann's face.

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