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okay guys , first of all I am so sorry for doing this but I messed up.
I know you're gonna kill me for this but I wrote that the match will be in 3 weeks  and it is not like that , the match is going to be in 4 days .

Also ,

The bet is for 3 weeks staying together ( just like it is mentioned in the book )

Of that , they are in the 2nd week ( you will know this if you're following the story )
Just wanted to let you guys know if you're getting confused by the story.

As I have said this before in one of my stories , my wattpad hangs a lot and I don't want to lose any of my books.So I can't just go back and edit shit, BUT that doesn't mean I will not. ONLY it will take sometime , so till then just letting you know the important points

^_^ sorry for the inconvenience :) I lost this story & I am catching it back up so please accept the small errors.

Now back to the chapter :)

Enjoy !


What the fuck is his problem ?

Harry slammed the door of his car and walked towards the car with a bewildered Niall on his tail. He threw his shoes on the floor nearly hitting the wall opening the fridge door and slamming it after taking out his water bottle as a very pissed Niall watched. 

"How many times I have told you , clean your fucking feet before entering the kitchen!" Niall stresses
as he walks in going to straight to the bathroom only to be stopped by Harry as he retaliates with an eyeroll and "You're not my mom"

Niall only murmurs "Hard to believe  that " dropping his backpack at the corner.

Harry hears him and scowls "No one asked you too !"

Niall looks at him putting his hand on his waist "if you would stop being such a child , I will stop being a mom"

Harry snorts at that and curses making Niall's anger rise that he was pressuring underneath the cool rock.
He knew from the start that something had gone wrong with Harry , as he suddenly started behaving like ....like his old self ? And he is determined to find out .

I think he knows the reason , he just wants to be sure about it.

" What the fuck is your problem ?!" He shouts only for Harry to sigh inwardly , because he is pissed at the blonde and his coach and the blonde saying 'fuck' so cutely is not making him accomplishing his goal of staying mad.

"I don't have any problem"he flat out lies and both of them know that.

Niall laughs in Harry's face making the tall lad's facade deter a little but he quickly builds his wall up.

"Oh yeah ! I believe that , all your throwing ball at me so fast , muttering curses while passing your team the ball and slamming the car door is just out of hobby ?! Or fun ?! But no ,you sure do have no problem "

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