By: Kristin simsU are like a pot of boiling water boiled dry from life
An empty sea shell dark and full of sand
Where is the confidence
Where is the oxygen
No life on earth you are not from earth
Because you are to different
Like bleached pants u are the stain
The librarian who lives within the books
The cold chill in the air with temperature of one hundred
You are disgusting
Unknown to the well known
Invisible to the eye
Your a shadow
Living in the night
You are a mystery
A mystery no one likes
No one can bare except the god who birthed you
But to the world you are strange
Ode to self
Self Meaning one
No shoulder to cry on
Just the mind
inside the owner
Inside of the owner feels with tears held back from years
U are a war zone
The enemy
A weirdo as they put it
Too different for the exceptence of others
A disease to this world