Chapter Four:

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I realized that Jessica was staring at me following her big explanation, like she was expecting a response. I looked back at her, a tad bewildered. What was I supposed to say?

"Um... so... strange names?" I offered when everyone at the table seemed to eagerly wait for me to respond. For Merlin's sake, it wasn't like they even knew they were vampires– was I supposed to find a group of attractive siblings a source of great gossip? Going by the incredulous look Jessica was giving me, apparently yes.

"That's all you have to say? Are you blind, or something? They're gorgeous!" she exclaimed. I shrugged.

"Well yes," I said, because they were were notably attractive, however– "I've seen better, though," I told her truthfully. Unlike my table mates I had seen full-blooded Veela before and they scored above vampires in the looks department every time. Full-blooded veela were so effervescently otherworldly in their beauty that they could never pretend to be human, not like a vampire.

Everyone at the table other then the girl with glasses who I actually liked gave me looks of disbelief (and I could have sworn I'd heard a growl from the vampires' table), but didn't comment on my dismissal. The blonde who reminded me slightly of Pansy Parkinson, a malicious Slytherin girl in the year above me, chose then to speak up.

"They're all together. Like, together together. Emmett and Rosalie, and Jasper and Alice. And they live together!" Her voice was nasal and condescending and I fought the urge to grind my teeth, abruptly deciding I'd had enough of that.

Shoving my wand in my book-bag, I stood abruptly, slightly surprised and very wary when the smallest vampire, the one Jessica had called Alice, rose too, her tray holding an unopened soda and unbitten apple. Alice Cullen was tiny, extremely thin and not even five feet tall if I had to guess, with short, inky hair. "I remembered I need to go talk to one of my teachers." I lied to the surprised table, snatching up my mostly-full tray and turning away from them.

While I tried not to stomp in my irritation as I made my way over to the bin to discard my own barely touched lunch– the blonde really had reminded me far too much of Parkinson– Alice Cullen practically danced she moved so gracefully. Our elbows brushed together slightly as she tipped out her tray and as I tried not to flinch too obviously she gave me a small, curious sort of smile before turning and gliding out through the back door.

I held back my shiver, unable to help my intense feeling of vulnerability. I headed for the opposite exit to the one Alice had taken, slipping my hand into my satchel and rooting around in it until I found my wand again. I gave a small sigh as my fingers closed around the smooth, polished wood. Even though I couldn't use it, I wouldn't deny it still gave me a certain sense of security as I exited the cafeteria, walking out into the light rain.

I spent the rest of lunch waiting inside the classroom where my next class, Biology with a Mr. Banner, was held, taking the time to flip through the first few pages of the course book and trying to figure out if I understood any of it. Several frustrated sighs and groans later had me under the firm impression that no, I didn't know a damn thing about the bloody subject.

Why on earth had I agreed to Charlie's "bright idea" that I try one of the science classes, I wondered bleakly. Despite my lack of artistic ability, I was now certain I should have picked photography or something.

Was it too late to swap?

The nasally sound of the school bell interrupted my mournful, half-panicked thoughts and as a handful of students came trickling in to the classroom I resigned myself to suffering through an hour of not understanding a single word spoken.

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