Chapter 3

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“I FUCKING HATE YOU GUYS!” Emily yelled, trying to hold back

laughter to sound serious. The rest of us burst out in to laughter.

“Do what?” I managed to get out. She held up her Victoria Secret

bra, that had ice cream all in it. I took it from her, and put it on her

head, letting the ice cream fall down her face.

“AUGH! I CAN'T SEE!” Tamia opened the door, quietly, and Kelsey

pantsed her. I pushed her outside, and Lacey locked the door.

Immediately everyone ran to the window to watch and laugh. It was

hilarious, and she had on a thong, which made it even better. She

pulled her bra off her head. Looking around she saw that she was

outside, and she jumped to the door. It was locked so she stood

there banging, and ringing the doorbell. Cars that rode by honked

their horns. That just made us laugh even harder. Emily was

laughing, and panicking.

“LET ME IN!!!! PLEASE LET ME IN!!!!” We all just laughed at her.

Soon I decided it as time for me to open the door for her. I let her in,

and some of the girls were still cracking up. I put my hand on her

shoulder, and said,

“Welcome to your PRANK WEEK!” Mostly everyone knew we had

prank week. Everyone has their own prank week. This week it's

Lacey. It's just when we all pull the hugest pranks on someone. It's

something that we do to let off steam on each other, and to become


“That's a nice thong you have there.” Tamia plucked the tiny strap,

and everyone laughed.

“I'm sorry Emily.” Lacey covered her cute little chuckle.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Emily hit Lacey with her bra. As she walked off I

called to her.

“You should freshen up in your bathroom.”

“Yeah, so you can prank me again? I don't think so, I'll use the

hallway bathroom.” She walked into the bathroom, and everyone

ran up to he door. We heard her unzip her pants. Here it comes. An

eruption went off, and everyone jumped. We heard a scream, and

we open the door. There Emily was, sitting on the toilet, covered in

poo. Everyone started rolling on the floor. These pranks were


“Ew you smell like shit!” Tamia said.

“You look like it too!” Kelsey yelled. Lacey walked in, and gave her a

roll off tissue. I started crying laughing. This little prank week is

going to be fun. We closed her bathroom door, and went off to play

the Xbox. A little bit later we heard the shower come on, and I

counted it down. 3... 2... 1.

“AUGH!!” We all knew she was screaming, because lizard pee was

coming out of the shower head, and she couldn't get out, because

the door was glued shut. We all just laughed, and continued to play

the Xbox.

Soon we decided to leave her alone. Although, she was a little

paranoid. We were at the dinner table, and she wouldn't take her

eyes off any of us. Scared we might try to pull something.

“I promise we're done for right now. Just eat.” Everyone nodded

their heads. Mouths too full to open them.

“I swear if something happens.”

“Nothing is going to happen!” She slowly picked up her fork, and

brought it to her mouth. Right before she put it in her mouth a roach

crawled off her fork.

“OMFG!” She scooted from the table. “You fucking liar.”

“I swear to GOD, I had nothing to do with that!”

“Then who did?” Lacey raised her hand, covering her mouth so no

one would see her laugh.

“LACEY!” everyone gasped.

“Calm down you guys, it's fake.” She held up a string with a plastic

roach attached to it.

“OH LORD THANK YOU!” Emily yelled, and then she went to

change clothes. What she didn't know was we took her clothes, and

put them in the patio. My patio is boxed in with a fence, so we aren't

that cruel, are we? As soon as Emily stepped out to get her clothes

a huge fan turned on. Leaving her there in nothing but a bra. HEY!

No one said that she only slept in a bra. That's her fault.

Immediately we locked the gate, and the patio door. She was

trapped. Suddenly, a bunch of hidden cameras started to flash, and

Emily was trying to cover up. As we finally let her in she started

uncontrollably laughing, and screamed,


ROOM!” She slammed and locked her door. We all knew she didn't

mean it, and she knew all of this was just fun and games. I liked

prank week, even when it was me. It just brought us all together.

When I was done rolling on the floor, I got up, and started to brush

my teeth. Gah, why did I create this game? That was the question

that seem to linger around in my head. Yet, I could never answer

the question. I always became choked up when someone asked

me. But now, that someone is me. I can't answer my own question

about myself. I know myself as much as anyone else does. I'm just

as confused with myself as everyone else is. But, it best not to

worry about it. As I continued to brush my teeth, I closed my eyes

and said a short prayer. I tied my hair up, and layed down in the

bed. Putting my hand on the bed light switch, I looked around my

dark room, my mind was still pondering.

“Why did I make this game?” I asked aloud. Click.The light was off,

and my room was filled with darkness. Nothing but darkness. Yet, I

lie awake still not knowing the answer.

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