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                CHAPTER 76

We heard a rushing sound coming on the other side of the bunker , the guards said grab as many children you can , our little ones jumped on us like little monkey's, the whole family had to help our children and theirs, because we had so many , the guards help my grandparents, they had to be carried,  then they said to run as fast as we can , it was hard and tiring carrying our children, but we had to safe our life's.  We heard another sound like thumping, so many , passing us by was other creatures we have never seen , all of a sudden boom a big explosion could be heard,  we saw flashes of in the distance,  we came to the end of the forest , we came near to the Rock and the cliffs , we were told to be quite,  we were then moving and we all slid down. 😂😂😂 TO BE CONTINUED. .

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