forty two;

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of course, yes, things were different. but better.

"baby?! baby, bab-" jack rambles, until finding me sitting on our bed with my phone in hand.

"yeah?" i look at him, locking my phone to keep my attention on him.

"i'm bored." he sighs, flopping onto the bed.

i giggle, "you're complaining to me because you're bored? go out with johnson or something?"

"but i wanna be with you." he whines, causing me to lean down and kiss his cheek. my chest did go in his face, due to how we were laid out. i was sitting cross legged, while he was laying down on the bed, head just in front of my knees.

"too bad, bud. you're wife's busy doing wifey things." i smirk.

"wifey things? that sounds fun. can i join?" he asks, looking up at me and batting his eyelashes.

i sigh, "no, jack. go do something that's.. husbandy?" i laugh at my word creation.

he chuckles, "you used to wonder why i loved you.. this is one of the reasons."

"why? i bring you laughter and joy?" i shake my head. 

"yeah. and you bring me pleasure and happiness." i immediately slap him playfully, but maintain a stern look on my face.

"your dirty mind is one thing about you that has never changed." i say, shaking my head in disappointment.

"you love my dirty mind." he smirks, "without it, you wouldn't get as much–"

"okay, okay!" i quickly rush to shut him up by placing my hand over his mouth, "i think i get it, jack."

"oh god, the way you say my name." he smirks at me, shaking his head.

"can you please be quiet?" i chuckle, "go do something else."

"but i rather do you." he teases.

my mind begins to race as i quickly shush him.

"can't hide the truth, babe." he laughs.

"wait, when's your album dropping?" i suddenly ask.

"uh, what's the date?" he thinks, grabbing my phone to check.

"it's the forth i think?" i question, thinking myself about what date it is.

"then in two weeks it comes out." he nods, confirming it.

"wait, what?!" i yell, "i'm not going to be here!"

"what? why?" he sits up, as i'm now off the bed and pacing, "why won't you be here?"

"lyza's forcing me to go to london to sign with a company. the photo shoots going to be in a couple months." i explain, running a hand through my hair.

"hey, it's fine. i guess. i should know that you won't be here for every release." he calms me, but i know he is slightly on the angry/upset side.

i turn to face him, "it's not fine, jack. i know you're mad, or hurt, or whatever. i can tell."

"i'm okay, isabelle. we both work in the entertainment business. it's what we do." he says.

"alright." i sigh, "i'm sorry i won't be attending."

"it's okay, baby. just means i'll get a sorry sex before, and celebration sex after." he smirks.

my eyes wide, "watch your mouth!"

"how about you come wash it for me?" he smirks.

mine - j.gWhere stories live. Discover now