Extra Fact

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*Taken from the internet(http://www.rttnews.com/2730792/gerard-way-hints-a-new-material-for-2017.aspx)
None of this is my writing this time*

Gerard Way has dropped the hint that he may be at work on new music for the New Year. In a statement on his official website, Way noted that he hopes to dig deep on uncharted musical territory this year and also paid tribute to some of the year's departed celebrities.

"I am always writing music, I am very lucky that way—there is always an idea and something that inspires me, even if it takes me a minute to figure out what I want to say, which is what really creates the space between releases," wrote Way. "I am about to convert a structure on our property into a recording studio, which actually won't take a lot of work as the space is already pretty perfect. Great drums sounds and church ceilings. Secret echo chambers. I look forward to making some really weird stuff here, and mine for the really hard to get diamonds."

He added: "Moving into the new year, my focus will become split into music and comics, now that Young Animal is running well (thanks to Molly and Jamie's hard work, and Dan and Jim's support) it gives me more breathing room to make sounds, some of which may even be connected to the comics."

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