Can I go?

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Voices. That's the first thing she hears as she starts to regain consciousness. She's in an individual hospital room, practically wrapped up like a mummy. The monitor beside her bead starts beeping faster and the voices die down

"Eliza?" a females voice asks "can you hear me?" Eliza frowns and blinks several times until her eyes get used to the light and her gaze manages to focus on the ceiling. slowly she turns her face to the side and finds her family with anxious looks on their face

"I made it" she smiles faintly, they all chuckle softly

"Yes you did" Ukyo says and kisses her forehead

"I..." Eliza murmurs trying to hold back her tears "I'm so sorry" tears start running down her cheeks "this... this is all my fault. If i hadn't come into your lives... Ema and Futo would never have been put in harms way" she opens her mouth to say more but a sobs escapes her throat and she starts crying harder

"Don't say that Eliza" Masaomi says softly

"We love having you in our lives" Ukyo says

"You're the best sis ever" Tsubaki smiles widely

"Along with Ema of course" Azusa adds

"We love you Eliza" Kaname says lovingly

"Just don't lie to your family" Yusuke jokes, everyone laughs to clear out the tension and sadness in the room. The door opens and in steps Tony

"Hey kiddo" he smiles at the doorway "glad you're awake"

"Thanks Tony" Eliza smiles warmly "for everything. Oh I didn't stain your car seats did I?" tony laughs loudly

"Of course you did" he says amused "would've been a miracle if you hadn't" Eliza rolls her eyes at him but smiles

"I'll buy you a new car" Eliza says, her brothers and Ema stare at her like she's crazy

"My car is outdated" Tony says considering her offer "I did have my eye on a shiny new car" Eliza laughs

"Fine" she says "whatever car you want it's yours"

"Can it be imported?" Tony asks and winks Eliza rolls her eyes at him and flips him off making Tony laugh "love you kiddo"

"Love you Tony" she sighs and her eyes begin to droop again

"Rest Eliza" Ema says giving her a light hug

"Okay" she whispers and falls asleep once more. For the next couple of days all Eliza does is sleep. A week later she can stay awake for longer periods of time. Two weeks later she starts having vistors. The first one is Ana who cries endlessly at her side despite various efforts on Eliza's behalf to assure her she's fine

"What happened?" Ana asks wiping away her tears

"I was in a car crash" Eliza says, that's the cover story anyway. Tony has made sure that the car crash story can be verifiable. A truck and Tony's old car were used to make the car crash it's even filed in a police report.

"You had very horrible luck" Ana says patting her hand gently "I'm glad your okay"

"I'm fine" Eliza assures her "could you bring me my school assignment?" Ana scoffs

"Only you would be so worried about school after a near death experience" she shakes her head while smiling "I'll ask Jessica to help"

"Thanks" Eliza smiles "you're the best"

"I know" Ana says and they laugh. They make small talk and talk about the current love of Ana's life until visitor hours are over. They say goodbye and Eliza sleeps.

The next visitor is her basketball team. They've all brought her flowers and chocolates. They don't stay long but they do make her laugh and wish her a rapid recovery

"I'm putting you to work as soon as you're well go that Eliza?" Kyo threatens while smiling

"Got it coach" Eliza smiles

"Get better soon" he says they all wave goodbye but Haru stays. They don't say anything for a while, he just holds her hand and tries not to cry

"It's okay if you cry" Eliza whispers "it's okay"

"I was so scared Eliza" Haru says with a shaky voice "when Subaru called me saying you'd had a car crash I couldn't believe it"

"But I'm fine" she says "it doesn't hurt that much anyway" she smiles and squeezes his hand

"Don't ever scare me like that again okay?" he says and kisses her

"Promise" Eliza smiles. Weeks pass and Eliza is able to walk again. Her wounds have healed nicely the ones that still hurt are her ribs the doctors can't do much but tell her to rest. After a month Eliza is fed up with the hospital she wants to leave.

She paces her room and does some stretches until it hurts

"Miss Asahina please rest" her doctor says sighing as he enters the room

"But I'm bored!" Eliza whines "I feel better now, can I go?"

"We've talked about this" her doctor says kindly and walks her to her bed and practically makes her lie down "you're just starting to heal. You feel fine but you're still on medication"

"How much time?" Eliza whines, a nurse comes in with her lunch Eliza thanks her and digs in

"A few more weeks maybe a month" her doctor says and Masaomi walks in holding her x-rays he hands them to her doctor and they talk in hushed whispers.

Eliza finishes eating and saves her pudding for later. She turns and looks at her doctor and brother

"So when can I leave?" She asks again

"Next week" her doctor says "but you can't play basketball until all your stitches are removed and I tell you you can"

"Do you know who I am doctor?" Eliza says trying to threaten him

"I don't care if you're Ryütai, the president or god" the doctor says slightly amused "you're my patient Eliza and threatening me every time you land here won't make me change my mind" he pokes her nose and leaves

"Well just one more week" Eliza sighs Masaomi chuckles

"How many times have you threatened your doctor?" Masaomi asks

"At least once a day" Eliza chuckles "I first met him when I was eleven after my first mission and it was a bit of a disaster but he stitched me up"

"I've looked at your x-rays" Masaomi says a bit sad

"Oh" Eliza says softly "and?"

"The fact that you're alive is a miracle" he says amazed "you've broken almost every bone in your body at least once"

"Yeah I know" Eliza says "but hey no pain no gain right?" She jokes and laughs but Masaomi pokes her forehead in reproach

"Not funny" he says but a faint smile tugs at his lips "once home if you feel anything at all mildly weird you call me okay?"

"Okay" Eliza smiles

"Get some rest" Masaomi shuffles her hair "has uh Kazuo visited you?" Masaomi asks slowly it's still seems a bit surreal to him that this small fragile girl in front of him can be one of Japan's most feared assassin

"He came yesterday" Eliza says "he scolded me for a while but he's glad I'm okay and he'll keep me updated on Akito and they found the rat, the one who identified me so he's taken care of and now only Yamaguchi and Akito know"

"Don't the other leaders know as well?" Masaomi asks

"No it's too dangerous" she says "I've always wanted to have a normal life so only a handful of people inside Yamaguchi know most just think I'm some prostitute"

"What?! Why?" Masaomi almost chokes

"To get my targets I've normally had to flirt a lot so" Eliza shrugs "but it's all good I like my life. Both of them" Masaomi chuckles and smiles

"Rest sis" he says and leaves

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