Supposed To Be About Alolan Forms, Totally Sidetracked (DAY 17)

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Henlo readers
Helllo you STINKY readers
Go read a chapter ugly
Okay but seriously, i'm back guys. I have a new chapter and I hope to get back into the grind. It's just I had midterms, and still have some more next week so I'm busy haha, but I'll be back! Soon you'll see! You'll remember you belong to me ;)

Cheers, and late happy Saint Patrick's day laddies and lasses! Let's get this show on the road!

Red: Ugh.

Blue: Unbelievable? Where have we been?

Red: Tired.

Pearl: I tell you, the author's been skimping out.

Red: Alola is insane.

Diamond: Is that right?

Red: Keeps me up all night.

Blue: I keep you all night. ;))))

Ruby: You guys are so gay

Wally: Ruby, you're gay.

Ruby: That's not what your mom said when I fucked her last night.

Wally: First of all, the only ass you got yesterday was mine, and it's going to stay that way.

N: Black, why do you never say nice things like that to me?

Black: Cause, you idiot.

Black: Mainly because you already know I think them...

Pearl: brb gagging

Silver: That is a little too sweet. Like too much chocolate sauce on ice cream- looking at you Gold.

Gold: Yoooo,  don't even know what you're talking about.

Pearl: as he's pouring on more right now

Black: lmao rekt

Red: Do you guys know of Alolan forms?

Cheren: I'm sorry?

Diamond: Rowan has mentioned something about the evolutions diverting from the original based off of environment. But anything past that, I've got nothing.

Red: Yeah.

Blue: What this halfwit is trying to say, is that they are different forms of some pokemon we all know.

Wally: Is that right?? Wow

Ruby: I guess that requires a date for the two of us to see that sometime ;))))

Pearl: gay

Diamond: Pearl please

Silver: You know who else is gay?

Gold: ur mom

Silver: I never knew my mom.

Red: Can't relate.

Gold: Same.

Ruby: same here

Diamond: I knew mine

Pearl: aye

Wally: me too

Black: Mine tries to call me daily.

Cheren: try hourly

Blue: I didn't know mine. Or my dad.

N: So I have something in common with Silver and Blue?

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