Chapter 8.

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This is going too be very very short, i can tell. But, it's SO sunny outside, like i am boiling. So yeah, my mum wants me too take my little brother and sister out in the far garden, on the trampoline. The joy. Anyway, i will update soon, i promise. Sorry it is so short! But i have a plan up my sleeve for the rest of the story.

omg omg, look at the picture at the side:o. LILO! Omg its such an amazing picture, their bromance is A+! 

Beth X x x

Tears started strolling down my face as i looked at the image in front of me. My boyfriend, the one i thought i liked, the one i stood by all this time, is now, on a bed with some strange slut. Making out, looking like they are about to have sex. I did what everyone would of done, walked away. Down the stairs, only too be stopped by constant shouting and a pull on the arm.

"Lily, that is not what it looked like." He said, eyes wide open.

"Neither are we"

"She means nothing too me, she came onto me, i like you, Lily."

"You know, he is lying? He has been sleeping with me for a couple of weeks now, because you wouldn't have sex" A distant voice came from up the stairs, slut.

"And now, i am glad i diddn't."

"Whats going on?" A familar voice rang, shit. Louis came through the crowd. Noticing my face. "What the fuck is going on? Lily, what has happened?"

"I told you about him" James growled at me.

"He is only fucking looking out for me, not like you"

"What has happened? Lily? Tell me now."

"James has been cheating on me, for two weeks. Having sex with that slut up there" Pointing up the stairs, i then looked at Louis, he had easily gone from worried too very angry. "Louis, please leave it"

But before, anybody could even speak, Louis had James up against the wall, by the collar. Staring in his eyes with complete anger. It scared me, i hardly ever see this side too Louis.

"What did you do? Fucking cheated on MY BEST FRIEND. Who the fuck do you think you are? Just cause your a sex addict. You knock me sick" Louis growled.

They then started throwing punches at each other, Louis being able too dodge most of them by doing karate when he was little.

"What? Yeah, kind of cause your girlfriend is probably having sex with you, its obvious you like her. Your just jealous mate"

"James, just because i have best friends...but i just don't sleep around everyone. You get jealous of mine and the boys' relationship? You know what? If you can't handle being my boyfriend when i'm best friends with the boys, fuck off.  Louis, he isn't even worth it,  leave him be"

Louis released his collar, he still looked like he wanted too actually, kill him right then. 

"Oh, and for the record, we're done. I don't want too see you ever again"

With that, i pulled Louis out the door and towards my car, he got in and i did the same. We drove home in silence, i diddn't know what to say and i guess he diddn't want too hurt my feelings even more tonight. We finally got home, dragging our selves into the house.

"Hey, i'll get you something for that cut, hold on" I said, before walking into the kitchen and getting a piece of cotton woll, slightly making it damp. I walked back into the living room, placing myself next too Louis.

My Best Friend, Louis Tomlinson. (Needs Editing.)Where stories live. Discover now