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This is a rubbish, short chapter. I honestly just wrote and i didn't edit it or read it over. But i feel bad for not updating anything. I'm sorry.


so basically, i don't think people know my new story is up! I can't post the link here, because it's copyrighted and everything, but all you have to do, is click my name at the side>>

Go on...A Better Life...In London?

Take a good read and give me feedback! I will be updating that within the next few days if i can!  

Hopefully my writing skills will improve, (spelling, punctuation, the right words, good flow..etc.)

Thankyou for all the support from this story and sorry it was such a rubbish ending. I love you all. x x


“On your next contraction, I need you to push” The nurse informed from the end of the hospital bed.

I couldn’t even speak, so I simply just nodded at her, I was breathing into the gas and air to try and relieve the pain somehow. I was glad to get rid of the pain, it was the worst I have ever experienced. When people said being in labour hurts, they are NOT joking. Even though I was breathing into the gas and air like my life depended on it, I could still slightly feel the pain clearly.

I screamed when my next contraction finally came, I looked at Louis who was beside the bed, clinging onto my hand. Even though I was probably digging my nails into his hand, he didn’t seem at all bothered, he was fine with it. He just let me squeeze his hand, I wouldn’t be surprised if he lost all the blood from his hand or something.

“PUSH NOW!” The nurse exclaimed, putting on her rubber gloves.

“You can do it, Lily Bear, I believe in you.” Louis whispered into my ear, reassuring me as I pushed, trying to get somewhere, I felt like nothing was happening. Even though the pain was getting even worse and more extreme, I knew I had to do it.

I pushed the hardest I could, trying my best. “Go on, keep going!” The nurse reinforced, I pushed again, “One more push!”. The pain was getting unbearable and I felt the sweat pour down my face.

It had to be sunny when I’m giving birth to a baby didn’t it?

“I can see the head” She told me, “One more push!”

I pushed for the last time, within the next few minutes I heard a baby start crying, the moment felt magical.

“Congratulations, on your new baby boy!” The nurse grinned, she passed the new baby to the other nurse, so that he could get cleaned up and everything.

“Would you like to hold him, miss?” She asked, walking towards the bed with the young baby in her arms.

“Yes, please” I smiled, holding my hands out, even before she had got to the bed.  As soon as the baby was placed in my arms, it felt magical. I had been through this before, with my other beautiful son, Adam. It is one of the best feelings in the world, nothing can get better, nothing can make you feel awful, it’s just a magical moment.

“I’ll go and get the boys and Adam” Louis grinned widely, practically running out of the room.

Soon enough the boys had come in, the two year old, Adam, walked over, gradually getting closer to my bed.

“Mummy, is this my baby brother?” He asked, pointing to his dad, Louis. He was smiling down at the new baby.  He was a great father, I honestly couldn’t of asked for a better dad or a better husband. It was a good feeling, knowing he loved and he cared for them as much as I did. He would do anything for them.

I nodded and Louis looked up, smiling at Adam.  “This is your baby brother, son.” He smiled once again as he carefully rocked the baby in his arms.

“What’s his name, Mummy?” Adam wondered, turning back towards me, awaiting an answer.

I smiled before looking up towards him, I converted my gaze to Louis who smiled and nodded.

“His name is Harry.” I stated, looking up at Harry who was stood at the door. When I spoke, he immediately paid more attention to me.

“We’re naming him Harry. Without Harry Styles, I wouldn’t be here right now, I wouldn’t of married Louis and I wouldn’t of had the most two beautiful children in the whole world. You’re the reason I’m happy, you’re the reason I married him. You knew, you knew all along I loved Louis. I always have and I always will.”

“We respect you so much, that’s why we think you should be the name, I want our child to be named after someone like you.” I smiled, looking into his eyes.


“Let’s hope he isn’t exactly like you though..” I winked, jokingly.

“HEY!” He laughed, but soon turning more serious. “Thank you, thank you so much. It’s honestly such a big thing.”

“Also” I added, “We want you all to be godfathers, to both of the children. I know you’re the god father to Adam, but I would like you to be the god father to my other child, I know they are safe.

They all grinned in my direction and all said thank you, hugging me tightly in the process.

“I love you, so much Lily Bear. I will never ever let you go.” Louis whispered in my ear.

I looked up into his eyes again, “I love you too Louis, you’re mine forever. I love you the world and back, but most of all, I love the family we have together.”

My Best Friend, Louis Tomlinson. (Needs Editing.)Where stories live. Discover now