Trainers and Teachers Meet

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Me and Hugh walked to 1st Hour and Hugh could not shut up about how he is so mad because he thinks Team Plasma stole something Important to Him he will not tell me the important thing though but I think Nate knows they are great Bros

So Roxie was Lecturing us about how the 1st official day of Trainer School is going to be like and she also was showing us how it is important for us to take care of our pokemon she showed her Whirlipede when it was just a Venipede it was pretty Cute By the Way Hugh and I have Decided to Sit next to each other in every class we have together so that we can talk to each other I think that this is going to be a great 4 months  and I can't wait to meet other people to even if I do keep that a secret

So after that Hugh and I walked to Water With Marlon the Final Gym Leader here in Unova we had to get into our bathing suit but that was alright plus I think that me and this guy named Charles are going to be great friends

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