Chaper Nine

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Your POV

When Thomas and I got back to his house, everyone embraced me in a tight hug. After the hug we all sat on the couch watching a Disney movie. I look over at Princey and Anxiety and they were holding hands. I looked over at Morality and Logic. Morality's head was on Logic's chest. I smiled and looked at Thomas and he lead me into the kitchen.
    "I'm sorry that they did that to you.." He frowned.
    "It's ok Thomas. I'll be fine. I still have my bestie." He smiled and put his arm around my waist and pulled me to where our chests were touching.
    "Can... C-Can I kiss you?" I smiled and nodded. He closed his eyes and connected his lips with mine. His lips were soft and tasted like candy. After a bit, I pulled back for air. He smiled and embraced me in a hug. We moved from the kitchen on the the couch and continued to watch the movie.

Time skip

Thomas POV

Logic, Morality, Anxiety, Princey and (Y/N) had all fallen asleep. I left the males on the couch and took (Y/N) to the guest room. As I was carrying her, she held a tight grip to my shirt. When I got to the guest room, she wouldn't let go, so I laid with her. After awhile, I fell asleep with her head on my chest and one of my arms wrapped around her waist.

His Sides (Thomas Sanders X Reader) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now