Chapter Seventeen

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Your POV

I smiled as I walked into my favorite class. Film study. I sat in my usual seat in the front of the room that was closest to the teacher. When the bell was about to ring two students walked. They just happened to be Kate and Jet.
"Students, I would like you to meet your new classmates. Jet and Kate." Kate smiled widely and when her eyes landed on me and glared for a second before she grabbed her brother's wrist and lead him to the back. Mr. Sanders looked at me and smiled before starting his lesson. When he finished his lesson he explained we would have a group project in groups of two but one student would have to work alone. After everyone paired up I smiled and noticed I was on my own. To be honest I loved having projects by myself. When the school day ended I walked to Thomas' classroom and stopped outside the door.
"Please Mr. Sanders I'm failing! I need to boost my grade!" Kate. I should have known.
"No Kate! For the hundredth time I have a girlfriend!" I heard her huff and say something I couldn't quite make out. "Get out."
"What?! But Mr. Sanders--"
"It's one thing to come in here and ask for sex to boost your grade but it's a even worse when you say your more beautiful than my girlfriend! Now I'll say it again. Get out!" I moved to where Kate wouldn't see me and she ran out of the room and out of the school. I knocked on the door five times and Thomas knew it was me. I opened the door and walked up to him.
"I heard everything..."
"You did?"
"You really think your girlfriend's more beautiful than Kate?" I asked looking down at my dark red converse.
"I do indeed. She is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." I looked up at him and he had a wide grin on his face. I smiled back and kissed his cheek quickly before whispering to him.
"Ti amo tanto... amore mio.." He looked at me confused and I just smiled.

Time skip

I opened the door to my house and saw my dad asleep on the couch. I smiled and kissed his forehead before walking upstairs to my room.

His Sides (Thomas Sanders X Reader) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now