Chapter 1: The

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August 24th 2036

Silico Lapico

We have been sitting here for over a month with no action or any fun. I am running down a hallway of pure blood, guts and darkness. All from teammates i serve with, the look on their faces is that of horror, Just then i hear my mother scream for dear life and i turned back to see a shadow of a creature i have never seen before and then i remembered my mom when i was younger, that my mother had no fear, something was off and that if my mother screamed it was bad, i snapped back to reality and saw my mother now her body was limp and fell to the floor, her eyes and face full of fear. I wake up to the sound of my door opening so i reach for my gun as quick as light travels i hear "easy there sir" it is my ai robot who tells me when there are issues with my ship "What is it Liana ?" she turned to look away while i got dressed thank god that nightmare was just a dream she replied " We have just been hailed by an out of date signal from a ship of ours that went missing out here 12 years ago during the last voyage of your grandfa-" i cut her off by asking " are there any other ships in the system ?" she hesitated before answering "No it seems to be coming from the planet". "Scan the planet for life signs then inform the crew understood ?". "yes sir" then all of a sudden the emergency alarm sounded meaning we are under attack and all hands to battle stations i call the bridge " what is going on out there ?" my tactics officer answers by saying " we are under attack by an unknown force sir what are your orders ?". " i'm on my way all power to shields for now" i get dressed really fast and run to the bridge to see that this force was from my dream i sit in my chair and order a full on attack on the enemy ships a bunch of lights of all colors flashed in space in a brilliant and elegant yet deadly display.
after 5 minutes of fighting i decide to comm up my Elite Special Forces squad F.I.A "captain Kine, report to the bridge immediately, and Bring your entire squad, i have a mission for you all, it'll be fun."a few minutes go by before i get a response "Copy that commander, whats our objective?" "stand by for intel, you'll know when i do."
just then my intelligence officer,Johan runs up to me, "Commander, they have an HVT aboard their capital cruiser!" i turn to face Johan "Whats the targets name?" "Tona-Lith" the look of disbelief appears on the bridge crews faces, "Captain Kine!, i have you intel on that mission, report to the bridge immediately" after waiting for what seemed like an eternity "commander it'll have to wait we have intruders down here, and no one boards this ship without our permission, ain't that right squad?" from off screen "yes Captain!" i stand up and grab my personal arsenal, "I'm on my way captain, hang tight!" "copy that commander"

i start running down the hallway trying to get to the Fast Track to the Sqaud Quarters in order to save F.I.A Squad from whatever is on board, after going through countless Electro-Doors and the Fast Track i finally arrive at the F.I.A's Quarters, i start opening the doors when suddenly the door bursts open and hits the wall, the huge bulking alien from my dream comes through followed by a platoon of what i guessed were a their species considered foot-soldiers, dragging 40 of my soldiers, but none of F.I.A Squad, i decide to cloak and send a message to my mother letting her know to help everyone escape before they were captured or killed, suddenly one of the unknown aliens stopped and started smelling the air as if using it to detect something, after a few seconds it stopped and looked dead at me and began walking towards me, it raised the butt end of its rifle and then everything went black.

I awoke from being asleep for what feels like days I'm in some weird type of tube full of clear liquid the room is pitch black, i try to look around to find a way out of what i am in to No success just then the doors to the room blew open with two unknown alien bodies they were both dead and their killer was... My grandfather he is alive, he looks up at me and says "hold still" just then 10 energy shots penetrated the glass and the container shattered and spilled all the liquidy substance to the floor, the room lit up after that really quickly and i chucked as the result. My grandfather passes me some new clothes "put these on boy now it's time to move and save all of your crew" i was still in shock that he is alive and looking really youthful. He kicked, shot, knifed, and hit every opponent and killed them no without hesitation. His fighting style is the same as before when we sparred not that it matters now.
After elimanating the enemies he strips them of weapons and ammo, i am so confused, he is supposed to be dead either im dreaming of my parents and superiors have been lying to me and everybody else for 12 years, and thats a problem.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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