Nova had been a stray ever since her mother had died, Would her mother approve of being with humans, they did kill her along with my sister. She had never met her father all she knew is that he had to be a black wolf-like she looked like. But if she ever knew him, would he be disappointed in her? She would never know. She was still in the cage inside the moving block of,... Stone? I couldn't tell, but it was moving. She knew she couldn't trust humans, So she decided to run away at first chance, but would she ever get one?
At The Human DenI Walked in the den made out of hard stone, I didn't get the chance to run away because of the stupid leash they put on me. The den weirdly smelled
unlike cats and dogs. Instantly, Five dogs rushed up to me,
"Is she a real dog?" One of them said "I think she's a wolf! I heard they will kill you if you get near them!" A small white one yelped. I stayed quite observing the area and animals. The humans took the leash off and I felt relieved. "Hello there!" A small voice yelped, it was a black and white farm dog. "Are you a wolf? Are you going to eat me?" He gasped, He went on rambling about their ancestry with wolves, but I stopped listening as soon as a big white and black Great Dane came up. "Shush Max!" He growled, "I'm sorry about that, he gets a little, ... carried away with new-comers, Anyway before I show you around, what's your name?"
I hesitated I couldn't trust these dogs their, pets, human slaves! "N...Nova." Why did I tell them?! Why wouldn't I listen to myself?!
"Nice name, I'm Lupus." I nodded and he looked over at the Farm-Dog. "That's Max." Then he pointed at three dogs, The first one was a female, White, Grey dog with dark gray spots everywhere, Then a male, Black and brown mountain dog, and Male a small white dog. ", And that's Ocean, Blue, and Feather." They all greeted me nicely, Except Blue he stayed silent and away.
I knew I couldn't trust him, or any of them, But what choice did I have?This is probably pretty short but hey, I did it and it's original from what I've seen. Also, don't judge this is my first story I've written and published.

Aventura*NEVER TO BE FINISHED* Nova, a half-breed wolf has been living in the streets since her family died, she's recently been adopted by humans, could this be for the best or worse?