It's was Nova's fourth day there she was, bored, annoyed, and hungry she refused to eat the rabbit pelts they fed her so she either waited for them to have dinner or tried hunting outside in the huge backyard. Blue, kept growling at me every time I got near him, max wouldn't shut up, Ocean was very nice to be, a bit scared of her, but at least she tried, Lupus didn't really notice me much, I don't think he really cared, And Feather, She was so scared of me, she would run every time I came near her, she was weird. I made the humans let me into the backyard, where I felt the nice soft grass on my paws, it was nice until Max came rushing out and Blue walked past me growling. Max came over to me, "What's his problem?" I growled, "I think wolves killed his family or something like that." He replied. "Do you think tha-" Max rushed off to blue. "Hey Blue! Why don't you like Nova?" He asked in an adorable voice. "Because wolves are, Untrustworthy, Stupid, and disloyal!" He snapped glaring at me. "But she's a half-breed, not a wolf!" Max yelped. "I don't care now out of my way!" Blue snapped. He walked past me and growled louder than he ever had before. Would he do more if I ever even spoke to him?
That's all I'm going to do, for now, I'm going to keep them short so they will come out faster :) Even though it's probably horrible. Also, Three or two parts will come out a day ( mostly on weekdays ).

Adventure*NEVER TO BE FINISHED* Nova, a half-breed wolf has been living in the streets since her family died, she's recently been adopted by humans, could this be for the best or worse?