Justins imagins

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You and justin where best friends since kindergarden and you've done everything together

Justin's POV:
(Y/N) is my best friend but I really like her but I don't want to ruin our friendship but she is the most beautiful, kind, caring, gorgeous,funny, best, adorable, nice, fun, exciting, trustful, loyal girl I've ever met she's perfect! <3 I'll tell her at the perfect time and perfect place maybe she'll like me back <3

Your POV:
He's so hot! I really like him but I can't tell him, it'll ruin our friendship he's the perfect guy but he's been acting weird lately I really hope he didn't find out about how I like him so much <3

Your both are in 8th grade you know that justin only has 3 days left with you wanted to go to the beach for the last time because it was your favourite place to be together and it was always the most beautiful at night. the sea looked like a gorgeous sapphire blue and the sand just felt to nice. you go to the beach right after school and walk their.

when you get their you both go to the changing rooms to change, justin finished before you and he was waiting outside in the sun then you walk out the door you see justin then he calls your name and you walk over to him "you look great!" justin says and you say "thanks" smiling but you noticed his abs which made you want to squeal but you calmed down and started walking next to him toward to water. he grabs your hand and runs to the water then you scream "justin slow down! stop it! what are you doing?" then he grabs you and pulls you closer and picks you up still running "stop it! put me down!"you said screaming then you get to the water then he puts you down and you pretend to be mad at him. Then he says "awe come on (Y/N) I was just kidding then you turn around and splash him with water then he screams "heyy!" and he chases you around the beach

You guys keep playing around then you notice it's 10:00 and you have to be home by 10:30 so you both just decide to take a walk by the shore it looked perfect. his eyes sparkling I'm the moonlight and the ocean looking beautiful you just fell in love with him again then then he says "(Y/N) I love you, and I've loved you since the first day I met you you're the most beautiful, kind, caring, gorgeous,funny, best, adorable, nice, fun, exciting, trustful, loyal girl I've ever met, I know this is the last day I can spend with you with out being famous and crowded with cameras trying to get my attention but will you go out with me? <3" and you starts tearing up wanting to cry of joy because you always wanted this to hear that for 10 years but this might be the lat time you get to hangout like normal people then he notices you crying and says "awe don't cry I'll always be back I love you it won't be long or you can come with me on tour!" and you say "yes I will go out with you! <3" and you decide to go on your with him

This is my first imagine hope you liked it :)

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