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Guys I'm so sorry I'm feeling really lonely my best friend left me and right now I don't know who I can trust and I'm just crushed right now he was my best friend and he left me because 'I was being selfish' and that's all I can think about lately.
I've actually hid in the basement and cried once
I have him all my trust and he just left when I was getting bullied

I get bullied at summer school and on Facebook and at a public park Sometimes


I've hated even leaving my room even for summer school

He was always nice to me and he even knew my brothers and my sister and he would always play with my brothers and stuff I don't know why he thinks I'm all of a sudden selfish

I'm sorry I just had to say it and let it out 😭

You guys are still beautiful beliebers though

Bye beautiful beliebers <3

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