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With no proof, the command team which consists of Maria, Robert, Simon, and Stanley, could only presume as it goes that sous chef Rory is innocent of any crime until he can be proven guilty and there is no real evidence that can implicate him in any wrongdoing. Head chef Carlos is dead, and Rory was the one who found him.

With this new ... development ... in mind, then for the time being at least it would be wise of the command team to make it a ruling than no one on board should be alone at any time for the time being at least, but this would prove to be an easier thing to make into a ruling as opposed to having it as a rule that is strictly followed.

There is nothing to suggest that whoever has killed Carlos will kill again. Someone may simply have had a beef with Carlos or maybe an argument got out of control and yeah it may be a horrible thing to use the word simply when it does come to murder though for right now and even with the gruesome nature of the death, what really can be done? The manner of the death, the gutting, the wrapping and the freezing however do all suggest that future caution is very necessary.

Kyle and Jinder Owens have their work cut out for them now. They have an investigation to conduct. It is their recommendations that will influence command team decisions. The Owens brothers will have free reign to conduct things in a manner they see fit and they know that change to some degree will need to come.

One thing of note at this time is that the cat would need to be let out of the bag, each and everyone aboard The Pathfinder will be informed that a murder has taken place if they don't know already and another thing, one of particular concern to Maria, is besides ongoing classes what will be put in place in regard to looking out for the younger generation of Pathfinder inhabitants? Where would Cindy be or what could be set up for her while Maria is busy in the command center or possibly off out on an off-ship mission should another one arise?

Of course, there is David and the others Cindy had told Maria about having met. Maria didn't like the idea of that, the thoughts that her daughter were to be left alone with a boy, but it was still preferable to the idea of Cindy spending time on her own, besides there are others besides David. If that younger generation had each other to spend time with then that at least is something. Things for the moment can only move on as normal as possible whatever normal can be considered as being.


'Guess you heard about that murder?' David asks Cindy as the two walk together on their way to their second piloting class.

'Sure, who hasn't?'

'Have you seen the body? I heard his insides had been eaten, the killer must be some sort of cannibal or something' says David purposely trying to freak Cindy out.

'Oh ... gross' responds Cindy punching David in the arm. 'Why would I want to see anything like that?'

The two smile as they enter the classroom and once again sit separately. Simon soon enters the room and reminds everyone not to travel anywhere around the ship alone at any time before he receives a barrage of questions such as if it were true about a man being gutted and as to where those insides may be, all questions Simon would not answer, reminding the class as to what it is they all are here in this room for.

At lunch time, Cindy and David met up with what was quickly becoming a strong circle of friends, in the mess hall. The mood in the mess hall was a grim one with the place being quite full and with hardly anyone talking at all. No one wants to be in harm's way. No one can say that there will be more murders but there still is a murder walking free and who knows what he or she may be thinking so the best place to be to ensure safety would be the one spot with the largest gathering of people.

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